Twofeathers Reiki

The Seven Chakras

Chakras are energy centers, vortexes of spinning force existing in the etheric body and extending through the Astral and Mental bodies of all human beings. They correspond to different levels of consciousness and control the physical condition of the area of the body that they influence.

When the flow of energy becomes stagnant or blocked within these centers, an imbalance is created. This imbalance can manifest into physical, mental and/or spiritual dis-ease or illness.

In this post, we are focusing on the seven major Chakras (there are many more).

  • 1 ~ Root (Base)
  • 2 ~ Sacral (Spleen)
  • 3 ~ Solar Plexus (Pancreas or Power)
  • 4 ~ Heart (Thymus)
  • 5 ~ Throat (Thyroid)
  • 6 ~ Brow (Third Eye)
  • 7 ~ Crown (Pineal)

On the etheric level, each of the main Chakras corresponds to one of the Endocrine glands and major Nerve Plexus. The Chakras draw in the Universal Life Force Energy (which is all around us), breaks it down into its component parts and sends it along in streams called Nadis to the Nervous System, Endocrine Glands and finally to the bloodstream.

Reiki attunements align and fine tune the Chakras to receive the energy, much like we tune our radios and televisions to receive stations or channels. Each of the Chakras have a color that is related to them and these colors become significant when working with the Chakra system. These seven colors are the same colors, in the same order, as a rainbow. Each color has its own unique vibration.

Root Chakra:

Located at the base of the Spinal column. In the endocrine system it corresponds to the Adrenal Glands. Governs the Spinal columns and Kidneys. This is where Spirit enters the body. Deals with issues of Survival, Faith, Abundance, Trust. The color is red, the musical note is C.

Sacral Chakra:

Located at the root of the genitalia. In the endocrine system it corresponds to the gonads. Governs the reproductive system. Is the center which deals with Creativity, Sexuality, Sharing. Its area of consciousness is the Emotional body. The color is Orange and the musical note is D.

Solar Plexus Chakra:

Located below the Sternum. In the endocrine system it relates to the pancreas. Governs the liver, stomach, gall bladder, and nervous system. This Chakra reflects the power and control issues of your life. Through the healing of this center there often arises the need to leave behind experiences which limit or restrict movement in your life. There are issues that are holding you back from moving ahead with your life plan or contract. Its area of consciousness is the Mental body. The color is Yellow and the musical note is E.

Heart Chakra:

Located in the middle of your body across from your heart. In the endocrine system it relates to the Thymus. Governs the Heart, Blood, Vargus Nerve and the Circulatory System. Love is the energy which needs to be felt and communicated through this center. This Chakra is the bridge between the upper three and the lower three Chakras. It is within our heart that our sense of God-Source exists. Its area of consciousness is the Astral body. Its color is Green and the musical note is F.

Throat Chakra:

Located at the base of the throat. In the endocrine system it relates to the thyroid. It governs the Lungs, Bronchial and Vocal Chords. It is involved with the areas of communication, both sending and receiving. It is also communication from within the self. Its area of consciousness is the Etheric body. The color is Blue and the Musical note is G.

Brow Chakra:

Also known as the Third Eye, it is located in the space between the eyebrows. It is associated with the pineal gland that secretes the hormone melatonin, regulating sleep and awakening. This center relates to the access of intuition, and leads you to an inner knowledge that will guide you if you let it. Its area of consciousness is the Celestial body. The color is Indigo and the Musical note is A.

Crown Chakra

Located at the top of your head. In the endocrine system it relates to the Pituitary gland. This center governs the cerebral cortex. This is where transcending of the physical plane is possible and the point of conscious consciousness. This center has been described as the corridor through which the body moves beyond. It is the exit point for the Astral body as well as for the consciousness. This is where the energies of healing and inner guidance (Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Etc) are drawn. Its area of consciousness is Spiritual. The color is Violet and/or White and the musical note is B.

You can find a lot more information on the Chakras at Chakra Central.

Techniques to Intensify the Power of Reiki

Here are a number of different techniques that can be used to intensify the power Reiki.

The “Homeopathic” Touch

Almost without touching them, very gently massage the zones that you would like to treat for somewhere between 20 seconds and 2 minutes. Then lay hands on them a usual.

According to the Arndt Schulze Rule (from the field of bio-cybernetics), fine impulses stimulate life activities while strong ones inhibit them. The fine impulses of the massage technique explained above direct the attention of the body consciousness to the appropriate area and intensify the body’s perceptive abilities. At the same time, the receptivity is increased. Prepared in this manner, Reiki is absorbed in a much higher degree.

Aura Massage

Calmly hold your hands about 2 or 3 inches above the area to be treated for about 20 seconds, and attune yourself to it. Then let your hands begin to move gently as though you are giving a very gentle massage. Be sure that the palms are always facing your client’s body.

After 20 seconds, again hold your hands calmly still for another 20 seconds and attune yourself. Repeat this technique several times, and then treat as usual.

By relaxing the aura, the possibilities of energy flowing to the body are improved because Reiki clears the aura. In addition, through the fine impulses of aura massage, the attention of the body consciousness is directed to appropriate places. This, in turn, increases the receptivity.

Wherever the attention is focused, the energy will flow more freely in that direction.

Singing Vowels

During the treatment, sing or intone the vowels, A, E, I, O, U, and the sound of the letter M. This stimulates the chakras and the aura to gently increase their vibrational level.

The higher the vibration of a being, the greater the willingness of its organism to absorb Reiki.

Rubbing Hands

Shortly before the beginning of the Reiki treatment, lightly clap your hands together and rub them intensely for a moment. This stimulates the hand chakras, through with Reiki is transmitted, to more intensive activity.

Baby Oil

Rub your hands together with a few drops of baby oil. During the treatment, be careful of sensitive clothing and treat within the aura, if this is possible.

I can’t explain why this technique functions so well, but it is widespread among faith healers and has great results,

For my sources seeRecommended Reading

Hand Positions – Self Treatment

The hand positions on this post are taught by William Rand. You can vary them according to your own needs, although you should give yourself a full treatment as often as possible.

reiki self treatment

Position 1. Place the hands over the face with the fingers at the top of the forehead and the hands touching.

reiki self treatment

Position 2: Place the hands on the top of the head with the fingers touching, but not over-lapping. Palms are close to the top of the ears.

reiki self treatment

Position 3: Place the hands on the sides of the head over the ears.

reiki self treatment

Position 4: Place the hands on the back of the head with the base of the palms at the base of the skull.

reiki self treatment

Position 5: Place the right hand over the throat and the left hand over the heart.

reiki self treatment

Position 6: Place both hands over the shoulders close to the neck.

reiki self treatment

Position 7: Place the hands with the fingers touching over the upper stomach just below the lowest rib.

reiki self treatment

Position 8: Place the hands over the middle of the stomach with the fingers touching at the navel.

reiki self treatment

Position 9: Place the hands on the lower stomach with the base of the hands near or on the hip bones and the finger tips over the pubic bone.

reiki self treatment

Position 10: Place the hands in the middle of the back, fingers touching.

reiki self treatment

Position 11: Place the hands on the lower back with the finger tips over the sacrum.

reiki self treatment

Positions 12: Hold the left foot with both hands in a way that is comfortable.

reiki self treatment

Positions 13: Hold the right foot with both hands in a way that is comfortable.

reiki self treatment

Position 14: Hold the right foot with the right hand and the left foot with the left hand in a way that is comfortable.

reiki self treatment

Position 14 – Alternate: Hold the right foot with the left hand and the left foot with the right hand in a way that is comfortable.

For my sources see: Recommended Reading

Reiki For Yourself

The practice of Reiki is that of sharing and caring. Caring for oneself is a necessary precursor to effective caring for others.

Regardless of whether you choose to sit or lie down to give a self-treatment, you should always make sure that you are comfortable. Try to ensure that there are as few distractions as possible – mute your phone, or even put it on airplane mode.

Some people like to give themselves a treatment while they soak in the bath. A favorite time for many people is on weekend mornings before getting up and before sleep at night. If you give yourself a treatment before you go to sleep you may find that you drop off before you get through all the positions. Don’t worry if that happens – at least you will sleep well.

It’s good to give yourself a complete treatment using the guidelines on the following pages. However, if you only have a few minutes to give yourself Reiki, perhaps while traveling or watching television, you may prefer to concentrate on just one area of your body, such as the throat, heart, or stomach.

A good position when you feel tired or particularly if you feel upset or off balance is to place one hand on either side of your head over the temples, or place one hand on the Heart Chakra and one on the Sacral Chakra. This is also a position you can use when preparing yourself to give a Reiki treatment to another person. Let your intuition guide you to where you most need Reiki at that moment and you will feel the benefit, even if you have not given yourself a full self-treatment.

For a visual pictorial of the hand positions for self treatment as recommended by William Rand, see this post.

In some books on Reiki there is frequent ;mention of the hands instantly becoming hot as the energy begins to flow. This is not necessarily the case, especially when doing a self treatment. If your hands don’t feel hot or tingly, rest assured that the energy is still being channeled through your hands. Also, don’t think that just because your hands aren’t hot you are “not doing it properly.”

When I start a self-treatment I sometimes find that my hands go colder rather than hotter. Usually, after a few minutes my hands warm up and I can feel the energy flowing through to remove any blocks (cold often means blockages). But if that doesn’t happen, I don’t worry. I use my intuition to determine when enough energy has been taken in, and then I move onto the next position.

There is naturally a difference between whether you treat yourself, or let someone else pamper you with a whole body treatment. Consider making a commitment to a monthly Reiki treatment, where you are the receiver, and can simply relax and enjoy the blessings of universal life energy.

For my sources seeRecommended Reading

Exploring The Reiki Energy

Here are some simple ways to explore the energy of Reiki that is available to you after receiving your first degree attunement. These exercises are also fun and helpful if you haven’t used Reiki for a while.

Experiencing The Energy

With another person put your hands out, palm to palm, a couple of inches apart. Say a short prayer or affirmation to trigger the flow of Reiki. You may soon feel a sense of warmth, a coolness, or a tingling.

If you move your hands toward your partner’s very slightly, you may even feel a sense of pressure, as if you were pushing against a magnet or a very light balloon. Now move your hands even farther away and check for sensations again.

Make A Reiki “Bubble”

Hold your hands about 6 inches apart, keeping your fingers together, cupping your hands slightly. Say a short prayer, or affirmation, to trigger the flow of Reiki and notice what you feel.

Gently explore this energy field. Focus on the feeling in your hands, and see how the energy intensifies. Breathe deeply as you do this, and notice what happens.

Play with the “bubble” until it seems to be tangible, and then gently blow it away, with the intention that the healing energy to to wherever it may be wanted and needed.

For my sources see: Recommended Reading

22 Simple Ways To Use The Antahkarana

This three dimensional symbol is used in Reiki. It has its own consciousness and works directly with your aura and chakras causing deep healing. More about this ancient symbol can be found here: The Antahkarana ~ Ancient Symbol of Healing

  1. Simply sticking or placing Antahkarana in any room is enough to create an illness free and healthy atmosphere.
  2. It is most effective in fighting any illness.
  3. Any object or anything placed between 2 Antahkarana symbols will be cleared of all negativities.
  4. Male and female Antahkarana symbols neutralizes any kind of energy.
  5. Crystals can be cleansed by placing them between 2 Antahkarana symbols.
  6. Place Antahkarana symbol under bed or mattress to promote better sleep.
  7. Place Antahkarana symbol on chakras to balance chakras.
  8. Charge your food and water to purify by placing it on Antahkarana. It acts as a detoxifier.
  9. Place near electronic gadgets to reduce EMF effect.
  10. Meditation with Antahkarana symbol gives inner clarity, improves immunity and establish stronger connection with spiritual realms.
  11. If you are going through unbearable heartache, placing a Cosmic Cross symbol helps release the pain.
  12. Sticking or placing it anywhere in room neutralizes negative energy as well as transmute it to positive energy.
  13. Dispels negative effects from medicines when placed beneath medicines or in first aid box.
  14. During Reiki sessions, place symbol directly face down on chakras or organs and give Reiki by placing palms few inches above it. It amplifies Reiki healing.
  15. Keep symbol on or under working desk to keep negativity and psychic attacks off from colleagues.
  16. Make a sandwich of two Antahkarana symbols and your/client’s pic/name for faster and optimize healing.
  17. A printed cloth of Antahkarana symbol is helpful in healing as you can easily place it on client.
  18. If you feel blockage in any chakra, you can opt for square Antahkarana symbol and give Reiki.
  19. Sit on any Antahkarana symbol to ground yourself.
  20. Take a printout of the symbol and use it as a crystal grid base.
  21. Just keeping it near your aura can bring positive effects on aura and chakras.
  22. Put along with your angel/tarot deck to cleanse the decks.

More about variations on this symbol can be found here:

The Cosmic Cross
The Female Symbol
The Male Symbol
The Multiple Symbol Square
Source: Twofeathers Reiki and Reiki Rays

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Hearts of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men --
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

~Alice Bailey

Using The Antahkarana Symbols

Since it is directed by the Higher Self, it always has a beneficial effect and can never be misused or used to cause harm. The symbols can be placed under a massage table, or under the bottom of a chair or you could sit on them. They can also be placed on the wall or they can be held against your body with the print facing the area that needs healing.

The Antahkarana is a special symbol that has its own consciousness. It does not need an attunement for it to work. It is the image of the printed symbol that creates the effect. It works directly with your aura and chakras and varies its healing effect depending on what you need at the time of use.

Use in Reiki Treatments:

Symbols printed on cloth work best for use when giving Reiki treatments as they allow you to place them on the clients body over the areas needing healing. When used in this way, you can then place your hands on top of the symbol and do Reiki through the symbol into the client. This will make your treatments more effective and the person will heal faster.

The multiple symbol is great for releasing blocked energy. If you sense a block, place the multiple symbol over the are with the image facing down and place your hands on top of the symbol. You’ll find that the block breaks up and is release much more quickly. The male, female and cosmic cross symbols each have their own vibration and will add that particular type of benefit to the treatment. Just use your intuition to determine which symbol to use.

The Antahkarana symbols can also be placed on the floor under the Reiki table or even tacked to the bottom of the table with the image facing up. Remember, just having the in your presence will have a beneficial effect.

Use in Meditation:

You can meditate directly on the Antahkarana by gazing steadily at it with your eyes relaxed, gently brushing away any thoughts that may come up.

With continued practice the image may begin to shift and change or to fade in and out, or it may disappear completely. This is good because it indicates you have entered a deeper level of meditation and are receiving greater benefit. Do not allow this to disturb you. Continue your steady relaxed gaze. You may even begin to see pictures in front of the image that are very pleasant and relaxing.

A single meditation with the symbol will be beneficial during times of stress. However regular use is best, setting aside 10 to 30 minutes each day for meditation on the Antahkarana. The value you receive will develop along with your mental clarity and a sense of peace and security will stay with you throughout the day.


The Antahkarana symbols lend themselves easily to experimentation so allow yourself to be guided to new uses. Some people have silk screened them onto t-shirts, others have placed the small wallet size in their shoes (to help them run faster and jump higher). You can also tape the wallet size – using surgical tape over a chakra or over an area that is weak or in need of healing and it will immediately strengthen the area.

The universe is filled with wonder and mystery and as we trust only in the light and boldly explore our true nature, untold value will be revealed to us. The Antahkarana is a symbol that gives freely to all. May you benefit greatly as you explore its use in your journey back to Light.

Source: International Center For Reiki Training

Uses For Each Antahkarana Symbol

There are several variations of the Antahkarana symbol, here is a brief explanation of each one:

The large single symbol is more female and creates its healing in a gentle way healing the female energies of both men and women.

The smaller single symbol is more male and more direct, focused and penetrating and will heal the male energy of both men and women. Use your intuition in deciding which one to use.

The Cosmic Cross is made of seven symbols crossing each other. This represents the seven major chakras. This symbol will purify your energy and can be used to open the heart.

The square multiple symbol made of sixteen symbols will break up blocked and congested energy, and get stuck energy moving. This symbol can also scatter your energy so it is recommended that you follow its use with the single male symbol to create centering and grounding.

Source: International Center For Reiki Training

The Tibetan Antahkarana Practice

The Tibetan meditation practice that used the Antahkarana took place in a room lit with candles. In the middle of the room was a large earthenware vessel shaped in an oval which symbolized the cosmic egg of the universe. The vessel was filled with several inches of water and in the middle was a stool. On the seat of the stool, inlaid in silver was the Antahkarana Symbol.

One wall was covered with copper that was polished to a mirror finish. Tapestries which displayed Reiki symbols were hung on the opposite wall. A Tibetan Lama meditator would sit on the stool and gaze steadily at the image of the Reiki symbol reflected in the polished copper mirror.

This yantra meditation would create one-pointedness in the mind of the meditator, uniting the consciousness with the transcendental energies of the Reiki Symbol while the Antahkarana Symbol on the stool would focus the energies generated and cause them to evenly flow through all the chakras and to connect with Earth.

It is clear that the Tibetans did not originate the symbol and there is no written record as to its true origin. However, through clairvoyent perception the symbol was first given to the people of Earth during Lemurian times over 100,000 years ago. This was the same time Reiki was first brought to Earth by the Holy Spirit.

The Antahkarana was created by a counsel of Ascended Masters who are watching over the evolution of the Galaxy. They saw that the people of Earth were in trouble and needed help in re-establishing their connection with the Higher Self. They created the symbol and using a decree, imbued it with its own consciousness.

Now anyone who uses it will have the connection between the physical brain and the Higher Self strengthened. It is the Higher Self that creates and guides the benefits of the symbol and that is why it can never be used for harm.

Source: International Center For Reiki Training

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The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences. ~Carl Frederick

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