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What If You Don’t Feel A Connection?

Have you ever turned the house upside down looking for something that was right in front of you? You go through every drawer in your closet hunting desperately for your watch only to look down after 15 minutes of frantic scrambling and see that you have been wearing it the whole time. Similarly, you might have searched everywhere for your keys which you did not notice were the only thing on the table by the door.

This same phenomenon can occur with angels. You might be desperately searching for some angelic assistance, but you have completely ignored the signs and suggestions that the angels in your life have left you.

If you’re expecting a talking hologram to appear and talk to you for an extended amount of time, it’s not going to happen. Especially at first, the contact may be brief and more of a feeling than visual or audio.

If you cannot seem to find an answer or any help, pause and look around you to see what answers might be sitting right in front of you. Pray for clear sight so that you can see what signs the angels have left you, and if that fails, ask your angels to be overwhelmingly obvious. Sometimes, you need a neon sign instead of the subtleties that angels tend to use.

It can take days, weeks even months to receive an answer you fully understand. And sometimes, the answer comes through an event or moment of sudden insight. It may come to you unexpectedly during a casual phone call from a friend, something you read in a book, newspaper or magazine, from a conversation between strangers you inadvertently overheard. The main thing is to be aware and open.

Sometimes your angels appear to have abandoned you because they are waiting for you to try and solve the problem yourself. This is not something that anyone enjoys, but even angels practice tough love on those occasions that you really need a kick in the pants.

Do not think that this means the angels have abandoned you to flounder helplessly. Even when your angels are making you solve something yourself, you are not alone. They are there with you and will help you if you truly need it. They will not, however, complete the task for you. If you feel like you are sinking, know that the angels will keep your head above water. They will not let you drown, but you are responsible for swimming to shore.

If you can tell that your angels are present and listening but they seem to be holding back on open assistance, it might be a sign that this is a problem you need to face down yourself.

Patience will allow you to persevere, even if you do not get results right away. Patience will help you build faith in your Angels, trusting that at the right time they will come through. Faith endears you to your unseen supporters, as well as creating the space for miracles, which is where they gather and thrive.

Miracles do not have to be earth shattering. Miracles can be tiny happenings in your daily life that make you feel good or that make you laugh or even cry from happiness.

Also, be on the look out for a tendency to discount the ordinary things that might happen to be helpful to you. Angels often work in ordinary ways and through ordinary people and events.


Be Good To Yourself Therapy

I found a cute little book in my personal library. It’s called Be Good To Yourself Therapy. It is a very simple short little book that details 37 rules for coping from day to day. There is some really good stuff here. Enjoy!

  • 1.  Trust yourself. You know what you want and need.
  • 2.  Put yourself first. You can’t be anything for anybody else unless you take care of yourself.
  • 3.  Let your feelings be known. They are important.
  • 4.  Express your opinions. It’s good to hear yourself talk.
  • 5.  Value your thinking. You do it well.
  • 6.  Take the time and space you need – even if other people are wanting something from you.
  • 7.  When you need something, don’t talk yourself out of it. Even if you can’t have it, it’s OK to need.
  • 8.  When you’re scared, let someone know. Isolating yourself when you’re scared makes it worse.
  • 9.  When you feel like running away, let yourself feel the scare. Think about what you fear will happen and decide what you need to do.
  • 10.  When you’re angry, let yourself feel the anger. Decide what you want to do; just feel it, express it, or take some action.
  • 11.  When you’re sad, think about what would be comforting.
  • 12.  When you’re hurt, tell the person who hurt you. Keeping it inside makes it grow.
  • 13.  When you see someone else’s hurt face, breathe. You are not responsible for making other people happy.
  • 14.  When you have work to do and you don’t want to do it, decide what really needs to be done and what can wait.
  • 15.  When you want something from someone else, ask. You’ll be OK if they say no. Asking is being true to yourself.
  • 16.  When you need help, ask. Trust people to say no if they don’t want to give.
  • 17.  When people turn you down, it usually has to do with them and not with you. Ask someone else for what you need.
  • 18.  When you feel alone, know there are people who want to be with you. Fantasize what it would be like to be with each of them. Decide if you want to make that happen.
  • 19.  When you feel anxious, let yourself know that in your head you’ve moved into the future to something scary and your body has gotten up the energy for it. Come back to the present.
  • 20.  When you want to say something loving to someone, go ahead. Expressing your feelings is not a commitment.
  • 21.  When someone yells at you, physically support yourself by relaxing into your chair or putting your feet firmly on the floor. Remember to breathe. Think about the message they are trying to get across to you.
  • 22.  When you’re harassing yourself, stop. You do it when you need something. Figure out what you need and get it.
  • 23.  When everything seems wrong, you are overwhelmed and need some comforting. Ask for it. Afterwards, you can think about what you need to do.
  • 24.  When you want to talk to someone new and are scared, breathe. Don’t start rehearsing, just plunge in. If it doesn’t go well, you can stop.
  • 25.  If you’re doing something you don’t like to do (such as smoking or overeating), stop. Think about what you really want. If you’re stuck and can’t think clearly, talk out loud to someone.
  • 26.  When you can’t think straight, stop thinking. Feel.
  • 27.  When you’re in need of love, reach out. There are people who love you.
  • 28.  When you’re confused, it’s usually because you think you should do one thing and you want to do another. Dialogue with yourself out loud or on paper, or present both sides to a friend.
  • 29.  When you feel harried, slow down. Deliberately slow your breathing, your speech, and your movements.
  • 30.  When you have tears, cry.
  • 31.  When you feel like crying and it’s not a safe place to cry, acknowledge your pain and promise yourself a good cry later. Keep your promise.
  • 32.  When somebody does you wrong, be actively angry with them.
  • 33.  When everything seems gray, look for color.
  • 34.  When you feel like a baby, take care of the baby in you.
  • 35.  When somebody gives you a gift, say “thank you.” That’s all you need to do. A gift is not an obligation.
  • 36.  When somebody loves you, just accept and be glad. Love is not an obligation. You don’t have to do anything in return.
  • 37.  If one of these rules seems wrong for you, talk about it with someone. Then, rewrite it so it fits for you.

Source: Be Good To Yourself Therapy by Cherry Hartman

Confusingly Convoluted Simplicity

Continuing with my rephrasing of our Five Simple Things, today we have #4, which was really hard to totally and completely change. In the process of rewriting it, I came up with a wonderfully, confusing and convoluted, long and involved rendering of : “Every time you use keys, visualize they are unlocking opportunities to get you closer to your dreams.”

Here’s what I came up with:

From this moment on,
When making use of a tool for easy access,
Picture in your mind’s eye
That you have just released and expanded
Favorable chances
To draw ever nearer to infinite possibilities
For health, happiness, prosperity,
Or what ever it is you wish to achieve.

Sometimes simple is just better… well, actually, simple usually is better, and the simplest way to say this is:

“When unlocking something, imagine you are unlocking your dreams.”

So, that was somewhat enlightening. I like the long, convoluted, complicated phrasing that really gets my mind running all over the place. But I think that’s because having my mind running all over the place is familiar and comfortable. It’s my preferred mode of avoiding difficult feelings and situations.

However, making it simple might be really useful as well.

Which makes me wonder, what if I kept it simple inside my brain, for at least a small part of the day… what would that look like? What if it looked like me actually being in the actual moment in my actual body… Wow! Imagine that! And what if everything I said, or did, was just simple. Maybe it would be easy and simple. Maybe it would be fun to be simple… I don’t know. Might be worth a try!

Heading Out

The fourth of our Five Simple Things , ” Every time you use keys, visualize they are unlocking opportunities to get you closer to your dreams.” has been difficult for me in that I rarely lock anything other than my car, and these days I’m not actually driving to very many places. So, I did think of a number of different ideas related to locks and doors.

  • See every open door as a new opportunity.
  • When you walk out the door, open your mind to new ideas.
  • Every time you walk into a room, imagine that you are walking into the best thing ever.
  • When you walk out the door, open yourself up to new opportunities.
  • When opening a jar think about opening up to new ideas, experiences, and knowledge.
  • When opening a door, think about moving forward with your goals, ideas, and/or life.
  • Every time you walk out of a door, imagine that you are walking into a grand adventure.
  • When you pick up your keys, know that within you is the key to happiness.

As you can see, I also made some stickers. Which was a lot of fun. And in the process of making them, I ended up with “Every time you walk into a door, imagine you are walking into a grand adventure, or even something wonderful.” LOL…

And then I realized that this is actually a really good idea!

We’ve all had the experience of hitting a wall… or running into a doorway that we thought would be open to us, but instead it is not… I have had this happen to me a lot!

And I thought, what if, instead of thinking it as a setback or a road block, I saw it as a grand adventure… as something wonderful? How different would my life be? And what are my current blocks? What walls have I walked into recently? And how does it feel to think of them as wonderful or grand or an adventure?

What about you? What is your grand adventure?

Sand Spell for Obstacles

So, for today we have a really simple spell to remove obstacles by tapping in to the power of the setting sun.

You will need:

  • A handful of sand or dry dirt

Holding the sand in your hand, face the setting Sun and ask His assistance by saying something like:

Ancient Sun, with Your last breath
Send obstacles now to their death
Destroy all fences, break all locks,
Rid me of all stumbling blocks
Bring them all to swift demise
So they can no longer rise
And hold me back from what I need
Or my ability to succeed
Crumble them just as this dust
So I move onward as I must.

Turn in a counterclockwise circle three times, while seeing obstacles being reduced to nothingness. Then, facing the Sun again, blow the sand from your hand. Know that the Sun will handle the problem.

Found at: Book of Shadows

Orange Juice For A Fresh Start

For our first activity, we have this fun and simple magickal exercise:

Materials needed:

  • Small glass of orange juice

Take the juice outside at daybreak, and, facing east, offer it to the Infant Sun by saying something like:

O Infant born into the sky
I offer this to You on high
And offer thanks for Your arrival
And for the role You play in our survival

Turning clockwise, pour the juice on the ground in a circle around you. Then ask the Sun for a fresh start by saying something like:

Oh Infant Sun, I call to You
Who starts each day with life anew
Whose birth brings warmth and gives us joy
Whose light the darkness does destroy
Who separates the night from day
Who guides us with His gentle rays
Who gives us hope and makes us smile
Who makes each step we take worthwhile
Who inspires and cultivates
Fresh ideas and captivates
All who feel His golden light
I ask You, Infant Sun, so bright
To bring to me a new beginning
That puts me on the path to winning
What I desire most in my life ~
Free of needless stress and strife ~
Oh, bring to me a fresh new start
And I ask You, too, impart
Your courage as I tread anew
The path that I now ask of You
Bring this at once now, Infant Sun
As I will, so it be done.

Kiss your hand to the Sun and step over the juice circle. Go indoors and know that a brand new beginning is on its way.

Found at: Book of Shadows

Reflections Of Your Mind

“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.”
~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Well, if that is so, then let’s do something with that state of mind, right now.

  • If your mind was a landscape, what would it be?
  • What “state” would it be in?

Answering these questions out aloud into the room will help describe it in a little more detail.

Now, CHANGE THE LANDSCAPE to make it more to your liking.

If it’s a desert, bring in rain; if it’s a rainy swamp, bring in the sun to dry it up. If it’s a total mess, clear it all out with a nice flood wave and let the waters recede to reveal a whole new landscape, bright and perfect to unfold for you.

Hold that landscape steady whilst you take three deep breaths – and there we are!


Pour Out Those Troubles

We’re going to make a thoughtfield!

In a moment, hold out your hands in front of you, as though you were holding a sphere the size of a small melon.

Into this sphere, I want you to pour all your troubles, all your cares, all your worries and all those things that swirl around in the back of our minds and make our thinking unclear and our motivation murky.

Let them all pour into this amazing container – thoughts, pictures, feelings, people, bills, the past, the future, all of it. It’s quick once it gets going.

When you have poured in all your current cares, take the sphere in both hands, lift it up high over your head and throw it behind you.

Take a deep breath and enjoy the clarity of forward vision that this brings.


Adopted By The Elephant God

If you are willing, and if you are wanting, the Lord Ganesha lifts you out of the fog of the materialistic conscious mind, establishing a connection and a relationship with you. This is a personal relationship with the Deity. There is nobody in between – just you and the God, Lord Ganesha.

It’s like being adopted in a way. If you were an orphan or abandoned on the streets of Sao Paolo or Madras, or on the streets of where ever there are little kids running around, you would be “free”. You could go through life listening to no one and exercising unrestricted free will, free instinctive will.

If you had a developed intellect, then you could exercise an intellectual will. You could do anything that you wanted to do, absolutely anything. Of course you would find that as you attempted to fulfill your desires, you were limited, sometimes prevented, by the natural forces within and without. But you could attempt anything.

If you were fortunate enough, foster parents might come along to help you. They would adopt you and take you into their home. Your new mother would begin to lovingly guide and direct your life. She would tell you, “You can play as you like in this room, but not in the others.” She is a wise mother and knows that you are accustomed to having your own way, so she lets you play freely within the confines of your own room.

But if she catches you playing in another room, she might say firmly, “You may play in your room, not here in this room.” You have lost your “free will” in being adopted by a mother and father, you are a part of their family now, and your well-being , your education, your training all now come under their will, to which you must adjust yourself and obey. They will watch over you and discipline you morning and night. They will protect you from getting into trouble with your “free will”.

It is the same when you evolve a relationship, a personal relationship with the Deity Lord Ganesha. He will not allow you to use your free will to get into difficulties. Guiding your carefully and protecting you along your way in your natural karma through life is His concern.

Little by little, slowly, imperceptibly a relationship evolves, a very personal, loving relationship, between the devotee and the elephant-faced God. Psychic protection is granted, physical protection, mental and emotional protection are all granted as boons by Him.

He will not allow His devotees to use their free, instinctive willfulness to make more kukarma by getting into difficulties. Rather, he will guide them carefully, protecting them every moment along the way so that their natural birth karmas may be worked through and sukarma created by right living. This is His main concern. Lord Ganesha loves and cares for His devotees. Once the devotee is connected to Him through the awakening of the muladhara chakra, loneliness is never experienced.

Ganesha is a truly wonderful, loving God. He has an extraordinary knack for unweaving complicated situations and making them simple. He can unweave his devotees from their karma, simplifying and purifying their lives. But this only happens after they have established a personal relationship with Him. Soon thereafter, changes begin to happen in their lives; and when they go through difficult times, they no longer become angry or live in fear or worry.

When difficult times come, they know it is because they are being unwound from accumulated and congested, difficult karmas or being turned in a new direction altogether. They know that at such a time they have to consciously surrender their free, instinctive willfulness and not fight the divine happenings, but allow the God’s divine will to guide their life. Such is the spiritual path of total surrender, know as prapatti.

from Loving Ganesa
by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

The Ganesha Mudra

The Ganesha Mudra is a powerful hand lock which, when incorporated into your yoga practice, can lift your spirits, relieve tension and boost confidence! It is the physical embodiment of perseverance. To achieve it, you should begin in a comfortable seated position with a long, straight spine. Then:

  • Bring both hands in front of your chest with bent elbows.
  • Position your left hand, palm outward, so your thumb points down toward the solar plexus and your pinky points up toward the collar bone.
  • Form a claw by bending the four fingers of your left hand and clasping them with the four fingers of your right hand. Your right palm should be facing your chest.
  • Take a deep breath in through the nose. Fill up.
  • Upon exhaling, forcefully pull both arms apart while keeping the claws locked. Feel that resistance open your shoulders and chest.
  • Inhale again and relax your arms, always maintaining the Ganesha lock. Exhale and pull apart.
  • Repeat this process six times, breath to movement.
  • Interchange the direction of your hands, with your right palm facing outwards and the left palm facing inward.
  • Repeat six more times.

Release the Mudra, feeling all tension melt away with it. Bring your unclasped hands to your heart, palms facing inward. Focus on slow, deliberate breaths, absorbing the restoration of equilibrium to the body, mind and soul.

Why does it work?

By uniting this Ganesha yoga pose with potent breath, blockages and obstacles are evicted from the body. With no refuge in the openness that’s been created, the clutter of the mind also dissolves. And since it’s his job to destroy what’s in the way, Ganesha has been known to place obstacles in the path of those who need to be “checked.” If something blocks your path, invoking Ganesha’s symbolic destruction with this Mudra can help to create space for what you seek!

Often honored at the opening of important rites and ceremonies, Ganesha represents new beginnings. His presence reminds us it’s only after we’ve removed the obstacles that we can begin anew. Sometimes, we must demolish the ego to rebuild a stronger foundation for personal growth. The yoga mat is the perfect place to lay that base!

Release After Resistance

The Ganesha pose can remove negativity and stress by stimulating resistance in the upper body. Sometimes, it’s only after release that we notice the heaviness of the weight we were carrying. What are you resisting? What’s holding you back? What obstacles can you remove to free yourself from what doesn’t serve you? Surround yourself with Ganesha, and all can become clear.

Here’s a Ganesha Mudra Meditation

The meditation is to be done while holding the Mudra pose.

  • Fully inhale. Fill your lungs up to their fullest capacity.
  • Fully Exhale. Empty your lungs until they are completely empty.

Every time you exhale draw your navel in, tense your chest and arm muscles and feel as if you are trying to get out of the grip, but you can’t. Stay relaxed in your face, top shoulders neck as you feel the tension. Completely exhale until your lungs are empty while visualizing and mentally repeating the obstacle (what’s holding you back).

  • Then inhale to fill your lungs while releasing the tension. Maintain the clasp.
  • Repeat this 6 times. For a total of 6 cycles.

When I do this I like to visualize myself exhaling against any resistance I might be feeling at the moment. It helps me to release the tension. I feel myself dissolving it and it opens me up and creates space.

When I inhale I visualize myself opening myself up to what I am focusing on (writing, finishing something I have been putting off), and the possibilities of exploring/learning something new.

Integrate what you are experiencing at the moment and use the Ganesha Mudra Meditation for that.

When you are done; visualize a clear path; visualize openness. Believe the pathway is clear for you to continue what you want/need to do. Believe that everything will have an outcome that will serve you in the best possible way possible.

There are many factors you can’t control, but be in charge of what you can control. Your thoughts, your actions is always within your control.

Give it a go, and see if/how it can support you. Make it your own. This meditation takes no more than 3 minutes.


Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

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