Mother Earth

Listening To Spirit

Go outside, look around, the earth itself wants to speak with you.
~Judith Pintar

Here is a little bit of a different view of the subject of communication with your guardian spirits. It’s from A Voice From The Earth by Judith Pintar.

Listening to Spirit

Learning to listen means distinguishing real Vision from your own dream voices of fear and memory and desire. Even when you get beyond your fears, sometimes your expectations will get in the way. Somehow you expect your Vision to be spelled in lightning across the sky. But while you watch the sky, you may miss the tiny drama of butterfly upon leaf happening at your feet

The Vision itself can come in many forms, through a clear visual impression or visitation of spirit, physical contact and communication from an animal, a song or a dream.

Very often in completely unexpected fashion, out of the darkness will come an awareness of a Guardian Spirit, a force or energy that provides a clear channel for greater wisdom. Many cultures have believed that such guardians, like saints or angels, protect and guide us even when we are unaware of them. Conscious acknowledgement of a Guardian Spirit offers the possibility of communication and a ready source of strength and counsel.

Awareness of the guardian could come when you see a hawk fly and are uplifted by a sense of strength and freedom, when an oak tree drops its leaves at your feet, when the Northern lights dance overhead, when you hear words whispered by the wind. Or a guardian might communicate itself as an intellectual concept, a particular energy that is understood to be a source of strength and direction, such as innocence or bravery, or love.

Originally posted at the Prosperity Project on Blogger

Green and Pleasant Lands

Our planet is beautiful, and the many different landscapes within it are powerfully charging and uplifting to us – not just on holiday.

Today, and in a moment, I want you to sit right back, close your eyes and recall a landscape you know well, and you know what that feels like, and when you are there, experiencing this LAND, you understand wealth, power, abundance and expansiveness on a whole new level.

Take your time and … enjoy!


Be Kind to Mother Earth

Kindness is not just about showing respect and care for humans, but for creation and animals, as well. Caring for the environment is a way to show kindness to everyone else who lives in it. Teach your children how pollution and trash affect the environment, and find a way to protect it together as a family. Ideas include:

  • Plant a tree.
  • Make a birdhouse together as a family project, then place it in your backyard. Or make a simple bird feeder using a pine cone, peanut butter and birdseed.
  • Recycle. If your garbage pickup service doesn’t include recycling bins, find a local drop-off center.
  • Be energy-efficient. Turn off lights when not in use, don’t waste water, consider car-pooling to work and school.
  • Call a local animal shelter and find out what they are in need of. Then have your family help them out — it may be simply donating a few bags of dog food, or it may be donating time in caring for the animals.
  • Set aside a time each day to play with your pet. Get your whole family involved in running around the back yard with your dog or playing with your cat. Be sure your animals are clean and healthy.
  • In the summer, notify authorities immediately if you find a pet left in a hot car.
  • Cut up plastic six-pack rings before disposing of them so that animals don’t get caught in them.
  • Participate in beach cleanups.
  • “Adopt” an animal through a local zoo, aquarium or other organization.
  • Switch to a pet-safe antifreeze. Those containing propylene glycol have an appealing taste to animals; however it is fatal in very small doses (such as leaks on your driveway).
  • Clean up trash and refrain from littering. If you smoke, use your car’s ashtray, not the road, to dispose of your cigarette butts.

Words Of Wisdom


Michelle found a really great site by the Yunsai Society. Take a look at their One Heart Song Prayer Circle. Their newsletter has some incredible stuff in it – here is an exerpt:

On the medicine wheel our animal representative of the east direction is the eagle. The eagle lets us rise above the situation and look at things from a greater perspective. Go outside and look up at the great expansiveness, the direction of above, the heavens, the universe. Realize that since you breath, your existence in every moment is verified and sanctified as integral to the whole of the workings of the universe.

In other words Creator has given you the gift of life because he trusts you and knows you are fulfilling a purpose. Just like Creator remains creator however you describe it, your Sacredness does not depend on your opinion of yourself. You are sacred, know it or not.You are an unlimited being of spirit that is experiencing itself within a limited form. This sometimes makes us feel like we don’t belong here in this body or are limited.

Life is a cycle, a cycle is a circle and in a circle everything returns to where it began. Thus we will return to where we came from before we began to experience the form of this body. We can not be lost forever in illusion. All must be counted, no one will be lost. It was set up this way since the beginning. We have been exploring the extremes of our potential as human. This means it can get very dark at times. The ancients were very wise and foresaw the darkness we would enter. There were things put in motion that ensure our way home.

The earth herself will ensure that she will survive and those who stand on her as her children will have solid ground under their feet. We call the earth mother Ela in our way. She is our mother because our form is of hers. The atoms and matter we are composed of, we are borrowing until our work is done here. Since you are of the mother and the mother knows how to balance herself, she can balance you. Lie on the mother and ask her to balance you, give your anger and despair to her, she knows to convert it to something that gives life.

For the rest of that amazing article go to the Prayer Circle page and click on the link in the left margin that says Newsletter. WOW!

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Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

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