Daily Archives: June 7, 2017

I Am that I Am

Here is a wonderful affirmation and chant from the book “Miraculii Song Of Ascension” by Astarius Miraculii

“I The Universe” (Anthem of the Soul)

I Am by whom the Universe has a Name!
I Am in whom the Universe has a Home!
I Am on whom the Universe has a Face!
I Am That I Am! I The Universe Am!

I the Universe am personified as this body, mind, heart and soul.
I the Universe dream awake infinite wholeness and healing in every cell of my body, mind, heart and soul.
I the Universe dream awake the Ascension of my soul, my cells, my human form and mother earth.
I the Universe dream awake Cosmic Consciousness of my human mind and express infinite creativity through my human soul.
I the Universe dream awake cellular memory of Universal Selfhood in my individual soul.

I the Universe as my human self feel sacred pride in the Divine Creations of every being throughout existence, including God-Goddess Absolute.
I am cellular co-creator of all that is created.
God-Goddess Absolute is cellular Creator of all that I Create!

I the Universe invoke and dream awake all the prosperity that is, was, or ever will be, through this my human life.
I my Human Soul am a Master Cell in the Being of God/Goddess, in the Cosmic Moment when the Universe was created!
I honor and acknowledge my co-creatorship of this great Universe which I also Am!
I am cellular co-creator of all that is created!

God/Goddess Absolute is cellular Creator of all that I Create!

I am the vastness of All that Is, thrilled to keep sacred company with myself through All Beings.

I the Universe call fourth “God/Goddess Absolute”, every Angel and Ascended Master to bless and prosper my human soul.
I my Human Soul, am a Cell in the Body of the Universe, holding the entire celestial blueprint of the “Universe At Large”.
The whole reality of the Universe, which is, was or ever will be, is held within my Cells.

I Am the Microcosmic container of the Macrocosmic All That Is!
I am a Soul in the Body of the Universe!
The Universe is a Cell in the Body of my Soul!
Within my Soul I hold the counterpart cells for all that is, was or ever will be.
I contain a cell for every man, woman and child, for every angel and ascended master, for every ocean, mountain and stream, for every mineral, plant and animal, for every elemental, star and galaxy.
I am the Master Cell, microcosmic container of God/Goddess Absolute!

My Greatest Love is the bond we share!

I Am by whom the Universe has a Name!
I Am in whom the Universe has a Home!
I Am on whom the Universe has a Face!
I Am That I Am! I the Universe Am!

Audio Only:

For those of us who prefer to simply listen, here’s an audio only version of this chant:

Sources and Links:

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