
Sign of the Rowan Tree

  • Alternative interpretations and birth dates
    can be found at the bottom of this post

If you were born between January 21st and February 17th then your sign in Celtic tree astrology is the Rowan Tree. Celtic tree astrology recognizes Rowan signs as the philosophical minds within the zodiac. If you were born under the Rowan energy, you are likely a keen-minded visionary, with high ideals. Your thoughts are original and creative, so much so, that other’s often misunderstand from where you are coming. This sometimes makes you aloof when interacting with others as you feel they wouldn’t understand where you are coming from anyway.

Nevertheless, although you may appear to have a cool exterior, you are burning within from your passionate ideals. This inner passion provides inner motivation for you as you make your way through life. You have a natural ability to transform situations and people around you by your mere presence. You are highly influential in a quiet way and others look to you for your unique perspectives.

The rest of the story:

  • Ruler: Brigid
  • The Ogham Word: Luis.
  • Also known as: The Thinker
  • Animals: Crane and Green Dragon
  • Compatible with: Ivy and Hawthorn

Those born under the Celtic astrology sign of the Rowan tree are the thinkers of the Celtic zodiac. They can be very philosophical people with passionate ideals. They also have a sensitive side that seems to be very sympathetic to others.

They are considered visionaries with high principles. They can appear to have an aloof exterior and their point of view is often misunderstood due to most people not really understanding where they’re coming from.

They have an inner drive that gives them motivation to make their own lane through life. They have an organic ability to change people and circumstances around just by the energy of their presence.

Their thoughts are inventive, authentic, and creative. They are very influential in an understated way and people rely on them for their uncommon point of view.

If you’re a Rowan Tree individual, you walk to the beat to your own drum. You think and act outside of the box, unfortunately, people don’t always understand where you’re coming from.

You are very much within yourself and appear to always be calm. This gives you an air of mystery… as your passions aren’t always known. Yet underneath, you have a burning passion for social change and individual rights.

You’re a great leader, listening well and respecting other’s opinions. Your calm demeanor allows others to feel comfortable in your presence, and helps you to naturally transform situations.

New Moon Rowan:

If you were born during the first two weeks of the Roan Tree Zodiac Sign, you are a New Moon Rowan. It’s easy for you to become impatient and frustrated as you try to move forward. Social change comes easy to you, but you tend to hold back in your personal relationships. Your personal space is very important to you, and isn’t meant to be as cold as it sometimes appears to others. You actually enjoy helping other people with their problems and can become quite involved.

Full Moon Rowan:

If you were born during the last two weeks of the Rowan Tree Zodiac sign, you are a Full Moon Rowan. You’re more open than a New Moon Rowan, but have to be careful you don’t make promises you can’t keep. You have a strong passion for indivicual freedom and civil rights. It’s important that you understand how much potential you have or you can lose sight of your purpose in life.


People born under the Rowan tree sign are powerful, incredibly influential, progressive and idealistic thinkers. They are very inventive with an interest in metaphysics, space, and science fiction.

They can amass a great deal of power and will help to lay the groundwork for social change and reform. They provide inspiration to those around them and have a strong humanitarian streak.

They make understanding bosses, but their preference is to not take on the responsibilities of other people. Their parenting style is supportive and they expect their children to grow into their own independence. They often have very successful marriages if they choose a partner that thinks the same way as them.

They have a unique sense of humor that leans a little toward the odd side, with an inclination to laugh at serious issues.

Rowan people are often musically gifted and can be drawn to unusual, out of the ordinary musicians, artists, and composers.


Rowan people are predisposed to promise more than they can reasonably deliver. They can become discouraged and restless with the struggle towards a greater life understanding.

In relationships they can struggle with being romantic and affectionate. Most will usually marry later on in life because they do not take the commitment of marriage lightly and are hesitant to let go of their personal freedom.

Some Rowan Tree Lore:

Historically the Rowan tree was the keeper of the gateway to the spirit realms. It was aligned in ancient times with protection against evil. The red berries of the Rowan tree were thought to be the food of the gods and was guarded by the rowan tree animal, the mythical green dragon.

In ancient times a piece of the Rowan tree was placed over the door of one’s home to keep evil spirits out. Many people placed this tree around their home for protection and to scare away demons.

The rowan tree is also a symbol of success, personal power, and astral traveling.

Sources: Celtic Tree Astrology and Celtic Zodiac


Here is an alternative interpretation and different dates from Wicca Chat:

Birth dates:

  • Apr 01 to Apr 10
  • Oct 04 to Oct 13

Key word: Sensitivity

Persons born under the sign of the Rowan tree tend to be full of charm, cheerful, gifted without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest, and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.

Sign of the Birch Tree

  • Alternative dates and interpretation
    can be found at the bottom of this post.

If you were born between December 24th and January 21st then your sign in Celtic tree astrology sign is the Birch Tree. If you were born under the energy of the Birch you can be highly driven, and often motivate others they become easily caught in your zeal, drive and ambition. You are always reaching for more, seeking better horizons and obtaining higher aspirations.

The Druids attributed this to your time of birth, which is a time of year shrouded by darkness, so consequently you are always stretching out to find the light. Birch signs (just like the tree) are tolerant, tough, and resilient. You are cool-headed and are natural-born rulers, often taking command when a situation calls for leadership. When in touch with your softer side, you also bring beauty in otherwise barren spaces, brightening up a room with you guile, and charming crowds with you quick wit. Celtic tree astrology.

The Rest of the Story:

  • Also known as: The Achiever
  • Ogham letter: Beth, or Beithe
  • DeityCernunnos, also known as “The Horned One”.
  • Animal: White Stag, Golden Eagle
  • Compatible with: Vine and Willow

If you’re a Birch sign, you have the potential for greatness. You will encounter obstacles along the way, but if you persist, you can accomplish anything.

Birch individuals are goal oriented and have a strong need to succeed. They do best with a lot of routine. They do well with money, but need to be careful that they don’t become workaholics. They’re happiest when they have a goal to work towards.

Birch tree people are risk takers, high achievers, and movers and shakers. They are renowned as the innovators and can easily be caught up in their ambition and extreme passion to always strive for more. Birch people are also revered for their beauty and gracefulness, just like their tree counterpart.

These are the people that will be the inventors, leaders and motivators who always strive for perfection. They are goal oriented, strategists, and exceptional organizers with a strong will to succeed.

In the Druid religion this tree represents the beginning of possibility and of growth that is not hindered by obstacles and setbacks.


Celtic astrology Birch tree people are trustworthy, loyal and tolerant of those they surround themselves with. The birch is a tree of renewal, rebirth and purity. They have the tenacity and strength to make all of their ambitions and dreams come to fruition.

They represent cleanliness and can be very principled in their everyday dealings. They are exceptionally skilled at putting their minds to overcoming challenges and obstacles.

With clarity and purpose, Birch zodiac people rarely fail at accomplishing whatever goals they set for themselves. They take the relationships they have with their family very seriously and can be counted on to be loyal and steadfast.


Due to the inclination to strive for perfection and their highest goals, Birch people can become depressed and pessimistic if they don’t have a goal in life to strive for. They need a clear goal in order to feel accomplished. This can lead to them become workaholics. They can also hide their emotions and become very serious.

As a result of this depressive state they can become obsessive about their health. A lack of reality can make their judgement cloudy and they can become very harsh critics of themselves. They can also be very reserved when showing emotion.

New Moon Birch:

If you were born during the first two weeks of the Celtic Birch Sign, you are a New Moon Birch. You feel caught between two worlds. On the one hand, you’re impulsive, following your emotions and what feels right to you. On the other hand, you spend a lot of time with your thoughts and can be afraid to come out of your shell. Yet no matter what, you know that nothing can keep you from your goals. Your family is important to you, but can become a burden if you aren’t careful.

Full Moon Birch:

If you were born during the last two weeks of the Celtic Birch Sign, you are a Full Moon Birch. You know what your purpose is in life and nothing will stand in your way. You’re more outgoing than the New Moon Birch, but sometimes you see the world the way you want it to be rather than the way it is. It’s easy for you to become a workaholic if you become too focused on winning, no matter the costs.

Some Birch Tree Lore:

Throughout history the birch tree was used to increase the lives of people and the quality of life in which they lived. It is the first tree to sprout leaves after the winter. It was also thought to be a protector against lightening. The birch symbolizes renewal, transition, new beginnings, leadership opportunities, and is therefore quite useful in times of transformation.

According to ancient tales, people would hide behind birch trees to protect themselves when lightening struck.

Birch trees are also associated with fertility, vegetation and are considered the defenders of the forest. People born under this Druid zodiac sign may exhibit many of the characteristics of the tree such as strength, tenacity, resilience, and perseverance.

Sources: Sun Signs, Celtic Tree Astrology, and Astrology of the Ancients


Here is an alternative interpretation with different birth dates from wicca chat:

Birth Date:

  • June 24

Key word: Inspiration

According to some astrological traditions, it is said that if you were born on June 24, you were ruled by the sign of the Birch tree. Persons born under this sign tend to be vivacious, attractive, elegant, friendly, unpretentious, modest, does not like anything in excess, abhors the vulgar, loves life in nature and in calm, not very passionate, full of imagination, little ambition, creates a calm and content atmosphere.

Sign of the Ivy

People born between September 30 thru October 27 are said to belong to the Sign of the Ivy. Among other cherished qualities of the Ivy Celtic tree astrology sign, most prized is your ability to overcome all odds. You are born at a time of the waning sun so life an be difficult for you at times. This sometimes seems unfair because it appears that obstacles are coming at with no prompting on your part. Nevertheless, you endure troubling times with silent perseverance and soulful grace. Indeed, Ivy signs have a tendency to be deeply spiritual and cling to a deep-rooted faith that typically sees them trough adversity.

  • Gemstone: Opal
  • Spirits: Faery people
  • Animal: Butterfly
  • Flower: The Woody Nightshade
  • Tree/Plant: Ivy
  • Planet: Moon veiling Persephone
  • Also known as: The Survivor
  • Compatible WithOak and Ash


Representing the mysterious and mythical, Ivy’s ability to cling and bind make it a powerful symbol of strength and determination. Ivy can take over and kill larger trees which lend it a rather sinister quality.

Those born under the Ivy moon are very talented, colorful individuals with their own sense of style. Ivies are usually very artistic. Ivy people have incredible stamina. They are also usually abundant in talent and win many honors. They have a sharp intellect and a matching sense of humor. On the more serious side they have a quiet kind of faith that believes in the natural balance of things. They are extremely loyal and accept responsibility for their own actions. They make generous and caring parents.

You have a sharp intellect, but more obvious is your compassion and loyalty to others. You have a giving nature, and are always there to lend a helping hand. You are soft spoken, but have a keen wit about you. You are charming, charismatic, and can effectively hold your own in most social settings.

Ivy people can however be extremely manipulative and can use their power ruthlessly when they desire. They tend to attract people with little or no morals and should keep this in mind when meeting new friends. They tend to be poor students, they are just not “book learners” and learn better by experience. They also tend to have very good luck!! In love Ivy people are extremely sensitive. They fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat!! Then, when IN love they can lean toward being clingy. They make generous and caring parents.

Found at: 13th Druid of Avalon and Celtic Birth Trees

Sign of the Ash Tree

  • Alternative interpretation and dates
    can be found at the bottom of this post.

People born between  February 18 and March 17 are said to belong to the Sign of the Ash. Those born under this Celtic tree astrology sign are free thinkers. Imaginative, intuitive, and naturally artistic, you see the world in water-color purity. Others may think you are reclusive, but in all honesty, you are simply immersed in your own world of fantastic vision and design. You are in a constant state of self-renewal and you rarely place a value on what others think about you.

  • Gemstone Coral
  • Animal Black and white gull or common tern
  • Deity Lir
  • Flower Wood Anemone
  • Tree Ash
  • Planet Neptune
  • Also known as – The Enchanter
  • Compatible Partners – Willow and Reed

People born under this sign have a tendency to moody and withdrawn at times, but that’s only because their inner landscape is in constant motion. They are in touch with their muse, and easily inspired by nature. Likewise, they inspire those they associate with and people seek them out for their enchanting personalities. Art, writing (especially poetry), science, and theology (spiritual matters) are areas that strongly interest them.

Ash people have a duality to their nature. On one side they are artistic and appear vulnerable, on the other they are quite pragmatic. They possess a great deal of compassion and understand the baser elements of man as well as the more spiritual. Their compassion also extends into the animal kingdom. They have an innate ability to relieve the suffering of others both by practical nursing and by the power of prayer. Their faith is often not orthodox in the religious sense but they are highly intuitive and often have a strong deeper sense of spiritual matters. They are highly adaptable people and despite their frail appearance can recover from almost any emotional blow.

On the more negative side, they often have trouble handling the more mundane practicalities of everyday living. They are also too easily influenced by others. They are often low on self confidence and have a tendency towards isolating themselves from others. They have a creative genius for making money but often fail to carry things to completion. They require careful direction as children in order to learn to use these talents to their fullest.

Ash people tend to have a rather mystical quality about them and are drawn to fantasy worlds. They love the theater and movies. They are usually attracted to the ocean or any other body of water either with great fascination or great fear. There is no in-between when it comes to their feelings about water. Their career choice should never involve too strict a routine. The arts are a good choice but because of their compassionate nature they are often attracted to the medical field. They are also good at organizing charity functions.

They are very gentle people and are easily hurt, yet they are well able to cope with the negative as well as the positive. They are kind and considerate friends although they are sometimes lost in a fog. Ash people are great lovers and caring parents. They are romantics and dreamers and often seem to have one foot in the land of the Sidhe.

This wealth of Celtic Tree lore is thanks to Eco Witch from Pagan Space.net
And Celtic Tree Astrology


Not all sources are in agreement. From Wicca Chat we have the following:

Birth dates:

  • May 25 to Jun 03
  • Nov 22 to Dec 01

Key word: Ambition

Persons born under this sign tend to be uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously.

Source: Wicca Chat
Art from: Art and Perception

Sign of the Hawthorn Tree

If you were born during the Hawthorn Moon in Celtic astrology, (May 13 thru June 9), there is a good possibility that you are naturally curious, and have an interest in a broad range of topics. You are an excellent listener, and people seek you out as an outlet to release their burdens. You have a healthy sense of humor, and have a clear understanding of irony. You tend to see the big picture, and have amazing insight – although you typically won’t give yourself enough credit for your observations.


Here’s the rest of the story:

  • Tree: Hawthorn
  • Also known as: The Illusionist
  • Gemstone: Topaz
  • Flower: Wood Sorrel
  • Planet: Vulcan
  • Deity: Govannan (the smith god)
  • Amergin Verse: “I am Fair among Flowers”
  • Ogham Association: Huatha or Uath
  • Polarity: Masculine
  • Color: Purple
  • Compatible PartnersAsh and Rowan

Hawthorn signs in Celtic tree astrology are not at all what they appear to be. Outwardly, they appear to be a certain persona, while on the inside Hawthorn’s are quite different. They put the term “never judge a book by its cover” to the test. They live seemingly average lives while on the inside they carry fiery passions and inexhaustible creative flame. They are well adjusted and can adapt to most life situations well – making themselves content and comforting others at the same time. You are naturally curious, and have an interest in a broad range of topics. You are an excellent listener, and people seek you out as an outlet to release their burdens. You have a healthy sense of humor, and have a clear understanding of irony. You tend to see the big picture, and have amazing insight – although you typically won’t give yourself enough credit for your observations.

The hawthorn is a small tree that was often used for hedging, and it has a mixed reputation. Known to be both a sign of fertility and death, it was said to contain the knowledge of both reproduction and transformation. Both of these processes take time – and if you were born under the sign of the hawthorn, you have an innate understanding of both the importance of process and the necessity for change. Your challenge is to use that understanding to guide you when undertaking new starts – don’t rush. Wait, and prepare carefully.


There are two distinct types of Hawthorn individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The “new moon” character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the “full moon” character is associated with the last two weeks.

The “new moon” Hawthorn is more impulsive than his or her “full moon” counterpart and bears a stronger sensual nature. On the other hand, the positive traits of these individuals are extremely consolidating once they have decided upon a course of action. The “full moon” Hawthorn has a distinctly different approach to all things and is much more difficult to “pin down” regarding personal relationships or any type of committment. The positive traits of the “full moon” Hawthorn is linked to a wider vision which can open the “locked doors” of the mind.

In general:

Hawthorn individuals are charismatic, creative and full of innovative ideas. Being multi-talented people, they possess an ability to adapt easily to any change in circumstances. They have personal qualities which are akin to those of the ancient Celtic Bards and Druids, often excelling in the performing arts. They also have a gift for influencing others while still remaining sympathetic.

Lively and spontaneous with good communication skills, the Hawthorn individual has an abundance of self-confidence and makes for a great leader. They are honest and sincere as friends, given their natural sympathy and ability to be good listeners. There is a tendency, however, toward a volatile temper and bursts of anger. The Hawthorn person is adept at devising the most brilliant of plans and schemes. Generally, the great strength of the Hawthorn comes from knowledge regarding the weaknesses of adversaries or any opposing force. However, the Hawthorn individual is not a ruthless character, merely a clever strategist.

Hawthorn individuals often participate in a variety of sporting activities. They possess a sharp sense of humor which is brimming with innuendo…a talent which frequently attracts them to writing and journalism. Due to the Hawthorns low bordeom threshold, they frequently have trouble forging a permanent relationship. However, they do make wonderful parents who cannot be fooled by their “clever” offspring and often lead a colorful and exciting lifestyle. Easily bored, they crave mental stimulation and challenges. With a desire to try a “little bit of everything,” the Hawthorn person often seems to be almost ageless in appearance and character.

Hawthorn signs in Celtic tree astrology are not at all what they appear to be. Outwardly, they appear to be a certain persona, while on the inside Hawthorn’s are quite different. They put the term “never judge a book by its cover” to the test. They live seemingly average lives while on the inside they carry fiery passions and inexhaustible creative flame. They are well adjusted and can adapt to most life situations well – making themselves content and comforting others at the same time.

Physical Goal:

  • To work upon the physical condition and betterment of self…to engage in exercise and maintain a healthy diet.

Mental Goal:

  • To open the mind to self-imposed ignorance and false facts. Thoughts should be free-flowing and the mind should be cleansed.

Spiritual Goal:

  • To learn that through the most dire of problems, the spirit will create new and unexpected strengths.

Sources: What’s Your Sign, and Nova Reinna

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