What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve!


Real Magick Decree

I AM real magick

I  Demand and I AM
the manifestation of Real Magick
whenever I want it
by the Power of
the Almighty I AM Presence.

I am a being of Violet Fire
I am the Magick that I desire.

Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM


The above decree can be tweaked with different words… such as:

  • I AM the manifestation of Radiant Health, I am the healing that I desire.
  • I AM the manifestation of True Joy, I am the happiness that I desire.

Borrowed from:
The Violet Flame Project


One of my friends wanted a Violet Flame Decree T shirt, so I made some. I think everything looks pretty good. Go check it out. It’s at my Get Your Groove On Cafe Press shop.

Random Affirmation
Enter your situation and receive a random affirmation. The affirmation will come in the form of a small pop up. Try it - your life just might change for the better!

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Life is like a sandwich!

Birth as one slice, and death as the other. What you put in-between the slices is up to you.

Is your sandwich tasty or sour?

― Allan Rufus
Be Merry

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

Love and Hugs!

So happy to see all our visitors!

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