Monthly Archives: January 2017


  • Magical Purpose: Nature, growth, prosperity, luck, fertility, changes, rejuvenation, jealousy, envy.
  • Magickal Uses: Earth magick, Faerie magick, money, luck, fertility, faerie contact, guide contact

The color green promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, and  rejuvenation.The color of money (at least in the United States), green is the best color to work with to attract wealth. Green is also the color of healing. Use the color green in fertility rites and to open channels for new love or to heal emotional problems. Use dark green with caution, however, because it is the color of ambition, greed, and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color green:

  • Element: Earth
  • Direction: North
  • Chakra: Fourth, Heart Chakra
  • Planets: Venus, Jupiter, Mars
  • Days: Friday/Venus – love, friendship; Wednesday/Mercury – business transactions; Thursday/Jupiter- Luck, prosperity
  • Number: 4
  • Magickal Tools: Wand, Cauldron
  • Magickal Forms: Candles, cloth, glitter
  • Scent/Essential Oil: Elder, Mint, Musk, Sage, Vanilla, Pine, Sweetpea, Mugwort, Patchouli, Vervain, Cinnamon, Marjoram.
  • Plant/Herb: Birch, Catnip, Blackberry, Coltsfoot, Foxglove, Thyme, Yarrow, Feverfew, Burdock, Pennyroyal, Plaintain, Briar, Verbena, Elder, Basil, Cedarwood, Sage, Dill, Clove and Mugwort.
  • Tree/Wood: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Fig, Oak, Palm, Pine
  • Animal: Gnomes, Dwarves, Fishes, Bee, Bull, Rabbit, Rat, Alligator, Turtle, Grasshopper, Bison, Frog.
  • Stones/Minerals: Emerald, Peridot, Jade, Malachite, Coral, Green Tourmaline, Aventurine,Green Quartz, Gold, Silver, Rock Crystal, Onyx, Azurite.
  • Tarot Cards: Emperor, Sevens
  • Gods: Agathadaimon, Bonus, Daikoku, Eventus, Buddha, Diakoku, Gansea, Inari, Jambhala, Jupiter, Pluto, Tamon
  • Goddess: Anna Koun, Anna Perenna, Benten, Brighid, Buddhi, Carna, Chala, Felicitas, Fortuna, janus, Kichijo-Ten, Lakshmi, Ops,The Muses, Vasudhara, Syn
  • Personality: Extroverted, happy, optimistic, status, possessive, direct

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and


  • Magickal Purpose: Absorption, this is why it is used for funerals.  Quiet power, self-control, restriction, depression sickness, but new changes, rebirth. Wisdom, Control, Resilience, Discipline. Used to honor the Queen of the Witches, or the dark crone aspect of the goddess.
  • Magickal Uses: Banishing negative thoughts and situations, reversing, uncrossing, binding negative forces, releasing, removing confusion, contact with spirits, dark magick, defensive spells (can be used with RED to increase intent).

The color black has a bad reputation and is often associated with evil workings, but the pure color can also be used for concentration, solitude, and deep meditation. The void of all colors, black has the ability to absorb, soak up, internalize, to receive without recoil. Use the color black in rituals to induce a deep meditative state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy and is sacred to the goddess Hekate. This is the color of the clergy, and witches use it to cloak themselves and to safeguard their mysteries.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color black:

  • Element: Air, water, fire, earth
  • Direction: East, west
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Day: Saturday
  • Number: 6
  • Magickal Tools: Sword, Wand
  • Scent/Essential Oil: Holly, Juniper, Yew,Myrrh, Cypress, Pine, Apple, Yarrrow,Rowan, Vervain, Peppermint, Basil.
  • Plant/Herb: Oak, Yew, Beech, Elm,Comfrey, Holly, Ivy, Horsetail, Reeds,Solomons Seal, Mullein, Cedar, Clove,Cypress, Rue, Betony, Elder, Fern, Yarrow,Cayenne, Dragons Blood, Mandrake, Flax.
  • Tree/Wood: Oak, Ash, Aspen, Birch, Hazel,Rowan
  • Animal: Bobcat, Dragon, Panther, Raccoon, Rhinoceros, Groundhog, Blackbird, Lynx, Bat, Owl, Jaguar, Praying Mantis.
  • Feather: Hidden secrets, changes.
  • Minerals/Stones: Onyx, Jet, Obsidian, Black Quartz, Black Star Sapphire, Agate,Tektite, Pyrite, Diamond, Moonstone,Galena, Pumice.
  • Tarot Cards: Death, Threes and the Queens
  • God: Achilles, Amathaon, Atlas, Cernunnos, Ea, Eterna, Janus, Terminus, Odin, Thoth, Untunktahe
  • Goddess: Aradia, Ayizan, Carna, Cerridwen, Circa, Dakinis, Demeter, Diana, Gulleig, Habondia, Hecate, Herodias, Hlle, Kwan Yin, Lilith, Mari, Rangda, Syn
  • Personality: Someone who often dwells in his own dark recesses. A loner, but through choice. A strong silent type but someone you don’t want to deal with if crossed. A night person as the darkness seems to be their safe place, their solace and quiet space. The things that make the “black” person unique, has also the tendency to dwell on things and has more bouts of depression than most others. This person tends to keep a lot of secrets.

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and

  • Magickal Purpose: Purity, protection, the moon
  • Magickal Uses: Moon magick, divination, spirituality, protection, psychic powers, healing, truth, peace

White is the color for cleansing, purification, spiritual enlightenment, consecration, healing, truth  seeking, protection, and uncrossing rituals. White represents purity and holiness. It is a balance of all colors. Used in Rituals involving lunar energy, white represents the Maiden. May be substituted for any color candle. It is best to wrap in a white robe or towel after a bath to clear away any negative energy.

What follows are the magickal correspondences for the color white:

  • Element: Air
  • Direction: East
  • Ruler: Moon, Obatala
  • Planet: Moon
  • Day: Monday
  • Number: 0
  • Magickal Tool: Crystal ball,wand,cauldron,mirror,glass(scrying), cloth
  • Scent/ Essential Oil: Sandalwood, Wormwood, Myrrh, Lemon Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Anise, Cedar Heliotrope, Betony, Lavender, Parsley, Thyme.
  • Plant/Herb: Rosemary, Woodruff, Mugwort, Marigold, Moonflower, Mustard, Rue, Sage, Tansy, St. Johns, Betony, Burdock, Mint, Fern, Elder Flower, Heather, Lilac, Lily, Mint, Dahlia, Gladiola
  • Tree/Wood: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Ash, White Heather, Cedar, Coconut Elm, Hazel, and Juniper.
  • Animal: Dove, Snowy Owl, Chameleon, Cat, Lizard, Magpie, Whale, Swan, Bear, Hawk(perception), Lizard, Cat, Dog, Whale, Wolf, Praying Mantis
  • Cyrstals/Stones: Opals, Clear Crystals, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Agate Geode Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Abalone.
  • Tarot Card: The Fool {New Beginnings}
  • God: Fati, Gou, Iah, Llmagah, Mah, Mani
  • Goddess: Al-fat, Anumati, Artemis, Ashima, Belili, Castillisto, Diana, Jerah, Levana, Luna, Re, Selene
  • Personality: Spiritual, devoted,psychic, protective, open spaces, neatness

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and


  • Magickal Purpose: Purity, Protection, Ice, Heavenly, Stars, Potential, The Cosmos.
  • Magickal uses: Moon magick, clairvoyance, divination (scrying), Astral travel, repelling spells.

The color silver increases psychic vibrations, removes negativity and encourages stability; dispels evil or negative influences; helps develop psychic abilities. Because this color attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess, burn silver candles to honor the her. Talismans made out of silver are very protective. Keep silver coins on an altar to bring a positive change in fortune.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color silver:

  • Element: Air
  • Direction: East
  • Planet: Moon
  • Week day: Monday
  • Magickal Tool: Crystal ball, Glass,Wand, Cauldron, Mirror (good scrying tools)
  • Magickal Form: metal, color, candle
  • Scent/Essential Oil: Sandalwood, Wormwood, Myrrh, Lemon Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Anise, Cedar Heliotrope, Betony, Lavender, Parsley, Thyme.
  • Plant/Herb: Rosemary, Woodruff, Mugwort, Marigold, Moon Flower, Mustard, Rue, Sage, Tansy, St.Johns, Betony, Burdock, Mint, Fern, Elder Flower, Heather, Lilac, Lily, Mint, Dahlia, Gladiola.
  • Wood/Tree: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Ash, White Heather, Cedar, Coconut Elm, Hazel, and Juniper
  • Animal: Dove, Snowy Owl, Chameleon, Cat, Lizard, Magpie, Whale, Swan, Bear, Hawk (perception), Lizard, Cat, Dog, Whale, Wolf, Praying Mantis, Dolphin.
  • Minerals and Stones: Silver, Opals, Clear Crystals, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Agate, Geode, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Abalone
  • Tarot Card: The Moon {clarity}
  • God: Bannik, Evander,Odin, Shamash, Thoth
  • Goddess: Adrste, Ashtoreth, Carmenta, Dione, Egeria, Filia Vocis, Gaia, Gwendydd, Inanna, Kwan Yin, Mari, Namagiri
  • Personality: A person who wants attention, clean, trendy, sharp with soft edges, glitter

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and


  • Magickal Purpose: Neutral, calm, peace, darkness with light.
  • Magickal Uses: Water Magick, Moon Magick, balance, peace, patience, vision quests.

Gray is a neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color gray:

  • Element: Water
  • Direction: West
  • Planet: Moon
  • Day: Monday
  • Numbers: 1 and 6
  • Magickal Tools: Seashells, scales, chalice
  • Scent/ Essential oil: Ginseng, Jasmine, Comfrey, Mullein, Sandalwood, Vervain, Myrtle, Willow, Wormwood, Heliotrope, Betony, Thyme, Basil, Chamomile, Myrrh, Lotus
  • Plant/Herb: Clove, Hyssop, Oak Moss, St.Johns Wort, Rosemary, Yew, Cumin, Birch, Blackthorn, Feverfew.
  • Tree/Wood: Oak, Alder
  • Animal: Armadillo, Ass, Cat, Dolphin, Opossum, Snow Leopard, Weasel, Wolf, Chameleon, Lizards, Spider, Lion
  • Stones: Moonstone, Black Pearl, Abalone, Opals, Quartz, Onyx, Malachite and Rock Crystal.
  • Tarot Cards: Hanged Man, threes
  • God: Terminus
  • Goddess: Artemis, Carna, Diana, Liberta, Liberty
  • Personality: A balanced type that stays out of conflict, introverted, a loner, likes solitude, peace and quiet.

Found at:


  • Magickal Purpose: The heart’s emotions, creativity, marriage, friendship, beauty, compassion, relationships, kinder, gentler then red
  • Magickal Uses: Love, beauty, friendships, partnerships, romance, attraction.

Pink is used in magick when dealing with flirtation and sexuality. It is the best color to work with when trying to attract a new love and for rituals to draw affections because pink promotes romance and friendship. Pink is also a calming and relaxing color and is used to reduce fears. A color of femininity, honor, service, pink brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color pink:

  • Element: Fire
  • Direction: South
  • Chakra: Heart Chakra
  • Planet: Venus
  • Day: Friday
  • Numbers: 0 and 1
  • Magickal Tool: Wand, Cauldron
  • Magickal Form: Candles, cloth
  • Scent/Essential Oil: Sandalwood, Rose, Apple Blossom, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lavender, Ginger Sweetpea, Tuberose, Strawberry, Apricot.
  • Plant/Herb: Aztec Lily, Beans, Bishops Weed, Violets, Winter Cherry, Dropwort, Feverfew, Cotton Rose, Basil, Coriander, Crocus, Avocado, Ginseng, Kava-Kava, Ladies Mantle, Yarrow, Yerba Santa, Maidenhair, Allspice, Pennyroyal.
  • Tree/Wood: Orange, Olive, Peach, Sycamore, Pink Dogwood
  • Animal: Cat, Dove, Sparrow, Deer, Conch, Clam and Oysters.
  • Minerals and Stones: Pink Sapphire, Kunzite, Pink Tourmaline, Pink or Rose Quartz, Pink Diamonds, Pink Spinel, Pink Garnet, Ruby, Red Jasper, Emerald, Peridot, Aventurine.
  • Tarot Card: The sevens
  • God: Amun Ra, Angus, Cupid, Kama
  • Goddess: Anat, Aphrodite, Astarte, Belili, Belit-llanit, Benten, Cybele, Erzulie, Hathor, Ishtar, Isis, Venus
  • Personality: This person is a romantic at heart. Likes candlelight dinners and movies, always tries to find the good in everything and everybody, very friendly.

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and

  • Magickal Purpose: Fire, passion, life, birth, stimulating, intense, highly-charged, will, ego, potential, anger, aggression, lust, war, courage, strength, fear.
  • Magickal Uses: Energy, passion in love, courage, lust, power, transformation, loyalty, force, sexuality, blood. May be used with black candles.

Red is the color of lust, passion, and deep abiding love. It is also the color of blood and bonding. Visualize the color red for energy and healing and also for protection. The color red is appropriate for spell work on physical desire and passion, courage, victory, and physical strength. Red stimulates energy and vitality.  Its use in magick must be cautiously guarded as it can be very wild and unpredictable, as a candle color, it should be used with caution.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color red:

  • Element: Fire
  • Direction: South
  • Chakra: Root Chakra
  • Planets: Mars, Venus
  • Day: Tuesday
  • Number: 5
  • Magickal Tools: Sword,Cauldron, Incense Burner, Candle
  • Scent/Essential oil: Dragons Blood, Basil, Pine, Cinnamon, Mullein, Musk
  • Plant/Herb: Sunflower, Nettles, Holy Thistle, Crowfoot, Hops, Wormwood, Cranesbill, Chili Pepper, Chives, Spikenard, Onion, Cornflower, Rose, Mustard, Garlic, Rosemary, Dill, Hibiscus, Woodruff, Tobacco, Pepperwort, Heather and Yew
  • Tree/Wood: Redwood, cherry
  • Animal: Bear, Horse, Wolf, Ram, Marsupials and night creatures, Tigers, Lions, Badger, Alligator, Ants, Beetle, Cardinal, Porcupine, Chicken, and Peacock.
  • Minerals/Stones: Ruby, Garnet, Bloodstone, Spinel, Red Tourmaline, Red Topaz, Agate, Rubelite Rhodochrosite, Quartz Crystals, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Tektite, Diamond, Red Jasper.
  • Tarot Cards: The Magician, Cups, Fives.
  • God: Achilles, Ares, Atlas, Hercules, Mars, Thor, Zeus
  • Goddess: Athena, Athenam, Eris, Kali, Minerva
  • The Personality: Bold, assertive, impulsive, extroverted, passionate, aggressive. There is no in-between for this person, they go from one extreme to the other. But it can be a fantasy ride for anyone who joins them!

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and

Beauty in yellow Wallpaper__yvt2

  • Magickal Purpose: Intellect, thought, mental, analysis sun, sunlight, memory and creativity
  • Magickal Uses: Concentration, creativity, learning, intellectual, knowledge, understanding, astral projection, telepathy, mental abilities, thoughts. Good for students.

Use the color yellow for happiness, healing, success, and fame spells. Conception or fertility magick also use yellow. Offer five yellow fruits or vegetables to a river to protect children. Place yellow flowers in a room to stimulate creative thought. Yellow can also be effective in spells to enhance knowledge, communication skills and to give confidence and aid in visualization. The color yellow aids in repelling negative energy.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color yellow:

  • Element: Air
  • Direction: East
  • Chakra: Solar Plexus
  • Planet: Sun
  • Days: Sunday- Mental Action, Wednesday – Pysical Action
  • Number: 3
  • Magickal Tools: Wand, Sword
  • Magickal Forms: Candle, Cloth
  • Scent/Essential Oil: Lemon, Frankincense, Bay, Patchouli, Marigold, Lavender, Laurel, Cinnamon Orange Blossoms, Musk, Vanilla, Cloves.
  • Plant/Herb: Laurel, Vine, Ash, Rue Marigold, St. Johns Wort, Centaury, Chamomile, Mistletoe, Saffron, Begonia, Geranium, Morning Glory, Snapdragon, Daffodil, Rosemary, Sunflower and Daisy.
  • Tree/Wood: Birch, Oak, Rubber
  • Animal: Phoenix, Snake, Beetle, Dragonfly, Meadowlark, Chameleon, Antelope, Snake, Crow, Bobcat, Goat, Lion, Mouse, Gull, Sea Lion, Parrot and Oriole.
  • Minerals/Stones: Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Pyrite Yellow Jacinth,Rutilated Quartz, Clear Quartz, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Citrine, some Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Amber.
  • Tarot Cards: The Sun, Knights, Sixes.
  • Gods: Apollo, Janus,
  • Goddess: Anu, Brighid, Carna, Diana. Fortuna, Syn,
  • Personality: Intellectual, learn, introvert, creative, light-hearted and outgoing.

Collected from various sources including The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and


  • Magickal Purpose: Intellect, Thought, Mental Analysis, Sun, Sunlight, Memory and Creativity
  • Magickal Uses: Concentration, creativity, learning, intellectual, knowledge, understanding, astral projection, telepathy, mental abilities, thoughts.

The color gold promotes understanding. Use it in rituals to enhance energy, power and vitality, and to bring success and luck. Gold is also effective in rituals needing solar energy or the power of the sun. Modern day alchemists ingest liquid gold, or aurum, with the belief that it will lengthen the life span and reveal secret wisdom. It is available as a tincture in homeopathic stores. Choose the color gold as an altar cloth or candle to bring prosperity. Wear gold for protection, power, and to draw positive energy.

Here are the magickal correspondences for the color gold:

  • Element: Air
  • Direction: East
  • Chakra: Solar Plexus
  • Planet: Sun
  • Days: Sunday- Mental Action , Wednesday – Physical Action
  • Number: 2
  • Magickal Tools: Wand, Sword
  • Magickal Forms: metal, candle, cloth, glitter, foil
  • Scent/Essential Oil: Lemon, Frankincense, Bay, Patchouli, Marigold, Lavender, Laurel, Cinnamon Orange Blossoms, Musk, Vanilla, Cloves.
  • Plant/Herb: Laurel, Vine, Ash, Rue Marigold, St. Johns Wort, Centaury, Chamomile, Mistletoe, Saffron, Begonia, Geranium, Morning Glory, Snapdragon, Daffodil, Rosemary, Sunflower and Daisy.
  • Tree/Wood: Ash, Willow
  • Animal: Phoenix, Snake, Beetle, Dragonfly, Meadowlark, Chameleon, Antelope, Snake, Crow, Bobcat, Goat, Lion, Mouse, Gull, Sea Lion, Parrot and Oriole.
  • Mineral/stone: Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Pyrite Yellow Jacinth,Rutilated Quartz, Clear Quartz, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Citrine, some Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Amber.
  • Tarot Cards: Knights, Sixes.
  • Gods: Amun Ra, Apollo, Baldur, Bochica, Bragi, Da-bog, Dyaus, Helios, Hyperion, Maui, Mithras, Odin, Ogmios, Ptah,Surya, Tvashtri, Veveteotl, Wayland
  • Goddess: Anaterasu, Artemis Calliste, Athena, Aya, Asva, Bast, Brighid, Eos, Hsi-Ho, Igaehindvo, llmater, Maya, Minerva, Muses, Namagiri, Phoebe, Sul, Sunna, Sunniva, Surya,
  • Personality: Intellectual, learned, introvert, creative, imaginative

Collected from various sources including:
The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and


  • Ruler: Earth, Water
  • Type: Mineral
  • Magickal Form: Coarse, fine
  • Magickal Properties: Purification, Protection, Grounding, Blessing

Salt is a primary tool of any Witch, regardless of the personal path. Sacred to all ocean deities and considered one of the most sacred substances of earth. It is a representation of earth herself in a mineral form.

Salt has many meanings. It is incorruptible itself, and preserves other things from decay, and hence it is an emblem of eternity and immortal life. It typifies wisdom and friendship. It was included in pagan sacrificial rites, and also in those of the Jews, and from time immemorial it has been used as a protection against all forces of evil.

Salt is used in traditional magical practices for blessing, grounding, protection, and cleansing. In Wicca, salt is sprinkled to purify and create the sacred circle.

It is frequently used as a base for other ingredients in powders, floor washes, bathing spells, and charm bags. Sprinkle around the four corners of the room and add to bath water to protect and dispel evil. Sprinkle black salt on doorways to keep undesirable influences away.

Salt represents prosperity. It was once used to pay salaries in ancient Rome: the word salary comes from the Latin sal, for salt. Many superstitions arose around spilling salt because of its preciousness. Add salt to dark leafy greens to increase your income.

Salt is seen as a feminine, nurturing mineral, whereas sulfur is thought to be the male, destructive mineral. Salt works in banishing spells by breaking up or splitting apart any negative influences, due to its purity. It is used in holy water and is a staple on most altars.

To eat another man’s salt is to establish a mystical bond between host and guest which neither can afterwards ignore with safety. The First Foot in Scotland and northern England often brings salt with him, signifying prosperity, see First Footing.

On the other hand, to help anyone to salt is to “help him to sorrow,” and a dark spell to make fruitful land barren was to curse it and sprinkle it with salt.

In the old days, in the English north-midlands, oaths were sometimes taken on salt instead of on the Bible. It was confidently believed that a prayer offered near salt would be answered.

If a plateful of salt was brought by the parents to a baby’s baptism and held near him during the service, he would be certain of Heaven when he died. As late as the 1940’s it was still quite usual in many districts to put a pinch of salt and one of sugar into a baby’s mouth when he first visits another house, or to include a little among the first gifts made to him.

A little salt in a cradle protected an unbaptized child, a heap in a pewter plate set on a corpse kept away demons and prevented swelling.

In the English midlands, salt and water, mixed three times, signed with the sign of the cross, and sprinkled over any unlucky thing, would remove the bad luck.

Collected from various sources

“Magic is only unexplained science. Science is explained magic. When I study science, I study magic. When I study magic, I study science.” ― C. JoyBell C.
Do not use any ingredient if you are allergic to it. There is always something else that can be used, or substituted.
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