Search Results for: Rice

Pressure Cooked Brown Rice

...  is recommended before cooking brown rice. If there is no time to soak, roast first. Roasting inactivates the enzyme ...  double the amounts. 2 cups short or long grain brown rice 2.5 to 3 cups water ⅛ tsp sea salt Procedure – Wash and drain grain. ...  pressure for the time indicated. Yield: 6 cups for short rice; 6½ cups for long rice Source: Ohsawa ...

Boiled Brown Rice

...  rice (short or long grain) is a staple for many people who eat natural foods. ...  and complementary to most beans and vegetables, brown rice provides a foundation for building meals. Soaking is recommended before cooking brown rice. If there is no time to soak, roast first. Roasting inactivates the enzyme ...

Lovage Salt

...  and is particularly useful in vegetarian dishes, with rice, vegetable stuffings and nut roasts. More info on this herb can be found ...

Infused Lovage Vinegar

...  half full with fresh leaves. Fill the jar with vinegar. Rice vinegar is particularly nice here but any would work. Place a lid on the ...  and is particularly useful in vegetarian dishes, with rice, vegetable stuffings and nut roasts. More info on this herb can be found ...

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"Diet has the distinction of being the only major determinant of health that is completely under your control. You have the final say over what does and what does not go into your mouth and stomach. You cannot always control the other determinants of health, such as the quality of the air you breathe, the noise you are subjected to, or the emotional climate of your suroundings, but you can control what you eat. It is a shame to squander such a good opportunity to influence your health." ~Andrew Weil, MD
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