
The Color Yellow

I really just want to be warm yellow light
that pours over everyone I love. ~Conor Oberst


Yellow is the color of gold, butter, and ripe lemons. Yellow is commonly associated with gold, wealth, sunshine, reason, happiness, optimism and pleasure, but also with cowardice, envy, jealousy and betrayal. It plays an important part in Asian culture, particularly in China.

Yellow enriches, stimulates, lightens and activates many of the systems of the body. It tends to encourage orderliness and clarity. It can act as a mild sedative to relieve many fears and give a mental lift. Gradual and consistent exposure to yellow light decreases blood pressure and heart rate and increases energy and endurance.

Yellow is the color of the mind and the intellect, vitality, power and ego. It is optimistic and cheerful, however it can also suggest impatience, criticism, and cowardice.

Yellow links with and stimulates the solar plexus, or psychic center (the third chakra). It can be used for psychic burnout or other psychic-related conditions or ailments. Activates and cheers up depressed and melancholic people. Gives lust for life.

Yellow is a very favorable vibration for mental or intellectual activity, as it promotes a clear state of mind. Yellow heightens your awareness and alleviates depression, sadness, or any kind of despondency. When studying, having objects of lemon yellow around will help the memory functions of the brain. If exam-stress is a problem, a bright golden yellow encourages relaxation and reduces nervousness.

Note: This post was compiled by Shirley Twofeathers for Color Therapy,  you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

Using The Color Orange

I advise students on the subject of color as follows:
If it looks good enough to eat, use it. 
~ Abe Ajay

Two men wearing orange, the royal color, celebrated Queen Beatrix's abdication ceremony.

Wearing orange:

Orange is the color of social communication and optimism. Wearing orange during times of stress, or shock can help to balance your emotions. It can bring about the willingness to embrace new ideas with enjoyment and a sense of exploration and creative play.

Put orange in your life when there is:

  • A feeling of bleakness and boredom, particularly where there is a sense that time is really dragging.
  • A lack of interest in what is going on around you, even to the degree of disdaining to become involved in any way.
  • A resentment of changes in familiar routines and an obsessive need to have things in their “proper” place.
  • Over-seriousness – taking oneself too seriously, lack of humor and playfulness in life.
  • A fear of experiencing pleasure through the senses and of enjoying sensuality.
  • An inability to let go of the past. Especially apparent after an accident or shock where the mind continually revolves around the issues involved – the “what if” and the “if only” …
  • A problem with blocked experiences in life, such as a decrease in personal creativity.

Questions to ask yourself when drawn to orange:

  • Is there a need to let go of old, worn out ideas, things, and/or emotions?
  • What is blocking you?
  • What are you allowing to block you?

Loving orange:

Orange is not the most common favorite color. Someone who likes orange is alive with feelings, the ability to nurture, and can intuit a path to success. If your favorite color is orange, you don’t have an “off” switch when it comes to passion. This is all good stuff, but there’s nothing casual about the connections this kind of person usually forges.

Orange represents the warmth of the fire. It brings even more energy than yellow, celebration and great abundance, comfort, enjoyment of the senses. Warm, sociable, dynamic and independent people who dedicate themselves to whatever they do.

Not loving orange:

A person who has an aversion to orange may have suppressed sexual feelings or other difficulties with sensual enjoyment of life. The attitude can also be over-sensual, indulgent, or too materialistic.

Note: This post was compiled by Shirley Twofeathers for Color Therapy, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

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Color! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams. ~ Paul Gauguin
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