
New Age Turquoise

  • Key words: Love, healing, generosity, emotion, feeling , the unconscious , intuition, individual responsibility .creativity , communication, self reliance , independence.

This color has more to do with feeling and creative expression than with rational thought. These colors between green and blue the shades of turquoise, blue green and or aqua relate to transformation, evolution, change, sharing, waves, metamorphosis, transmutation, the inner teacher, and the spiritual heart or Thymus Chakra, a transpersonal chakra on the hara line (deeper aura level ) about midway between the heart and the throat.

This is a chakra which connects us with energies of spiritual love and mystical communion and the Divine or God concept (however you name it ) as teacher and as Sacred Lover and beloved. These are shades that admit us to varied realms of the trans-dimensional, meaning existence beyond time and space.

While the most common elemental attribution of this color is to water it is also a color of air and spirit. Turquoise is associated with ancient civilizations, the New Age and also with the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The word aqua means water. These shades are strongly evocative of the ocean on a clear day especially that of the lovely warm tropical Island seas.

This family of colors is a color of mystics and telepathy a symbol of the heavens and of the sea, of fluid movement and mutability.

These colors are used in color meditations, in forming a connection for communication and general awareness and with dolphins, with angels and with elemental, other dimensional beings and for help journeying into other realms. A color that promotes higher emotional communication, Self awareness and initiative.

In accord with its assignment to Aquarius and the “new age” . Turquoise on a more mundane level, corresponds to the modern communication network satellites, telephones and the internet .

These colors are associated both with ancient and ethnic artistry and with the cutting edge modern techno artistry. From the mosaics of the ancient world, the aqua clay paint accents of Northwest Native American works to the rather kitchy “modern ” of the fifties, such as cone shaped plastic chairs , and lava lamps, these shades have been used in a startling range of ways.

In the Aura turquoise has not been common, it may be seen around Poets and Mystics, indicates a person with a seeking mind who is interested in almost everything, some may specialize in research of some kind, usually altruistic , to benefit humanity as a whole analytical, insightful, good counselors It may become more common as the “new millennium” progresses.  It is transient in the aura when a person is thinking of ideas and ideals.


The Color Turquoise

“She would be half a planet away, floating in a turquoise sea,
dancing by moonlight to flamenco guitar.”

― Janet Fitch, White Oleander

Turquoise is a blend of green and blue. It is so named because the Turks were fond of the color and decorated many of their buildings with turquoise ceramic glazed tiles.

Turquoise has the calming, expansive nature of green and the cool, quiet flow of blue. It can bring to mind a particular quality in the sky before or after sunset, a calm, warm sea, a beautiful lagoon, a pure mountain stream or distant hills in the mellow light of late summer

Turquoise is the color of the deep subconscious. Since the lungs vibrate in the green range, turquoise also belongs to the lungs, especially to the higher vibration of the lungs, which is spirituality, creativity, intuition, imagination, and the synchronistic quality of bring “in tune” with nature, with oneself, with “the flow.” The process of psychic opening is assisted with the color turquoise, as well as violet, and wearing turquoise around the neck is good for the voice, expression, creativity, since the root urge of creativity is to express.

This is a color that recharges our spirits during times of mental stress and tiredness, alleviating feelings of loneliness. You only have to focus on the color turquoise, whether on a wall or clothing and you feel instant calm and gentle invigoration, ready to face the world again!

It is a great color to have around you, particularly in an emergency, as it helps with clear thinking and decision-making. It assists in the development of organizational and management skills. It influences rather than preaching and demanding.

This is a good color to aid concentration and clarity of thought for public speakers as it calms the nervous system, gives control over speech and expression, and builds confidence. Print your speech notes on turquoise and every time you glance down you will feel the effects of the color.

It heightens levels of creativity and sensitivity; it is good at multi-tasking, becoming bored if forced to focus on one thing only. Sometimes thinking can become scattered if surrounded by too much of this balancing color.

Turquoise’s essence is clear, fresh, focused, youthful, imaginative, transformational, clean, sensitive, changing, rarefied, new, and victorious. Turquoise encourages inner healing through its ability to enhance empathy and caring. It heightens our intuitive ability and opens the door to spiritual growth. It is the color of the evolved soul. Turquoise encourages clarity in thoughts, feelings, and communication.

Note: This post was compiled by Shirley Twofeathers for Color Therapy, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Bright Blessings.

Using The Color Orange

I advise students on the subject of color as follows:
If it looks good enough to eat, use it. 
~ Abe Ajay

Two men wearing orange, the royal color, celebrated Queen Beatrix's abdication ceremony.

Wearing orange:

Orange is the color of social communication and optimism. Wearing orange during times of stress, or shock can help to balance your emotions. It can bring about the willingness to embrace new ideas with enjoyment and a sense of exploration and creative play.

Put orange in your life when there is:

  • A feeling of bleakness and boredom, particularly where there is a sense that time is really dragging.
  • A lack of interest in what is going on around you, even to the degree of disdaining to become involved in any way.
  • A resentment of changes in familiar routines and an obsessive need to have things in their “proper” place.
  • Over-seriousness – taking oneself too seriously, lack of humor and playfulness in life.
  • A fear of experiencing pleasure through the senses and of enjoying sensuality.
  • An inability to let go of the past. Especially apparent after an accident or shock where the mind continually revolves around the issues involved – the “what if” and the “if only” …
  • A problem with blocked experiences in life, such as a decrease in personal creativity.

Questions to ask yourself when drawn to orange:

  • Is there a need to let go of old, worn out ideas, things, and/or emotions?
  • What is blocking you?
  • What are you allowing to block you?

Loving orange:

Orange is not the most common favorite color. Someone who likes orange is alive with feelings, the ability to nurture, and can intuit a path to success. If your favorite color is orange, you don’t have an “off” switch when it comes to passion. This is all good stuff, but there’s nothing casual about the connections this kind of person usually forges.

Orange represents the warmth of the fire. It brings even more energy than yellow, celebration and great abundance, comfort, enjoyment of the senses. Warm, sociable, dynamic and independent people who dedicate themselves to whatever they do.

Not loving orange:

A person who has an aversion to orange may have suppressed sexual feelings or other difficulties with sensual enjoyment of life. The attitude can also be over-sensual, indulgent, or too materialistic.

Note: This post was compiled by Shirley Twofeathers for Color Therapy, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

The Color Orange

“It’s different and bold. It stands out amongst a blank world of black, white, and gray. Orange is the early morning sun stretching across the sky and the color of a burning ember standing tall in the middle of a beach bonfire. It’s leaves in the fall, carrots in Nana’s vegetable soup on a cold winter day, tulips in the spring, and the ladybugs in the middle of the grassy park on a hot summer afternoon. Orange is life. It’s unexpected but beautiful.”
― Aly Martinez

Orange has two aspects that we see time and time again, pivoting between the material and spiritual worlds, which is not surprising given that the color itself is a balance between red and yellow. As such, it represents the second (sacral) chakra.

Orange is a vibrant, cheerful color that definitely lifts the spirits. Next to red, it is the color most popular for extroverts, and as a symbol of activity. In Europe and America, orange is commonly associated with amusement, the unconventional, fire, activity, danger, taste and aroma, the autumn season, and Protestantism. In Asia, it is an important symbolic color of Buddhism and Hinduism.

Orange creates balance. In times of stress, or after a shock or a surprise, wearing shades of orange can help the body to return to a state of balance. Orange will have a gentle warming effect if used lightly.

Curiosity is one of the driving characteristics of the orange vibration and this brings exploration and creativity, particularly on a practical level. In terms of subtle bodies, it is linked to the mental body in both its logical and conceptual form.

In marketing psychology, orange is used to make an expensive product seem more affordable and has been used to indicate that a product is suitable for everyone.

Orange is as sensual as it gets. Orange is a mellowed red – and it takes primal, lusty urges and mellows them with a softer vibe. Orange is the color of early attractions, emotional responses, and inner magnetism. It is also close to gold, the color of success and wealth.

Note: This post was compiled by Shirley Twofeathers for Color Therapy, you may repost and share without karmic repercussions, but only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

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Color! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams. ~ Paul Gauguin
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