
Many people enjoy relaxing by the seaside in summer. The predominant colors are the blues of the sea and sky, which introduce a feeling of expansiveness and peace. Turquoise tempers the deeper blues with an extra sense of calm and comfort. The golden yellow of sand and sunlight energize the body’s systems, helping to restore balanced functioning by reducing anxiety and stress levels, and, creating happiness and clarity in the mind. It is no wonder with today’s hectic lifestyle that two weeks doing nothing and simply being on a beach in the sunshine is regarded by many as the perfect holiday and one which they will repeat each year with unfailing regularity.

The same color combination of blues and golds occurs in many desert or near desert conditions and it is perhaps significant that in the past many people have sought the deserts of the world as places of mysticism for contemplation, visions, and religious inspiration. With such isolation, very few distractions and the stimulus of blues gold, and yellows, directly affecting the function of the nervous system, such places encourage the deepest thought.

Source: Healing With Crystals and Chakra Energies

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Color! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams. ~ Paul Gauguin
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