Chakra Meditations

Consciously Working With The Chakras


So let me introduce the practice of entering your chakras every morning, with the intention of working consciously with your spirit. Drop your intention to your first chakra, to the base of your body, to the root of your spine. Put your attention there. This is your connection to Mother Earth. Feel yourself connected to that earth energy. Picture yourself sitting on wet earth. Picture yourself smelling that fragrance of newly cut grass. Feel yourself embraced by the soft wind of early morning. Feel sun on you. Feel sound around you. There is only you and the Earth now. You and Gaia.

This is your connection to your own life, to who you are, to the experience of being alive. This part of your body, your first chakra, contains the truth that all is one. You know that. As you radiate in this part of your body, you can feel that truth. You can feel yourself connected to every part of life. The fragrance of the Earth, the aquatic systems, the air, nature, life, your family, your friends, the planet. all of life is connected to you in this moment. All of life.

As you prepare for your day, consciously walk into these thoughts.

Allow that truth that all is one to penetrate through your body and feel that truth and its force moving down your legs. Feel that. Your first chakra is connected to your legs. Feel that power that when you walk on this Earth, you are walking in that truth. No matter where you walk you’re going to be connected to that electrical guidance that met you the day that you were born.

You have a circuit and that circuit connects you to every form of magnetic life on this planet.

Take a moment and put your attention there and think about your day. Do you feel unsafe or insecure on this day in your life? Is there something that scares you about this day in your life? Feel your fears, pull them into your consciousness, because you’re doing to need to deal with them today.

What strengths can you feel from this part of your body? Remind yourself again: all is one. This is your area of physical strength, this is the part of your body that pulls from that deep sense you have of trusting in your own strength to stand tall. To handle whatever weight is put on your shoulders.

You’ve got tremendous strength; feel that. It emanates from this part of your body; sense that. Make this power strong; feel it. Continue reading

The Seven Energy Vortex Meditation Technique


These vortexes, also called Chakras, are located at specific points all in a row, which makes them easy to remember, and if you are not familiar with the Chakra system, you can read more about it here. This meditation practice is designed to gently unfold over the period of a month. Beginning slowly, and mastering each step as you go along.

Getting Started:

Before you begin, you will need to select some appropriate music. Music is the Universal Language. Its content can be broken into mathematical formulas, and it has the ability to alter your spiritual vibrations. The music you choose can be calming, exciting, loving, etc. It is best to find a piece you enjoy – one that is light and easy. There is a wonderful selection of music available these days in the New Age section at the record and tape stores. I do not suggest using a tape with subliminals. If you do not care for the newer music on the market, try the classics. Using a radio is not recommended because commercials and disc jockey blather tend to make you lose you concentration.

Pick a time of day that you will not be disturbed, and one that fits into your schedule. At first, block out only ten minutes time, then extend it as your proficiency and patience grows. When you can successfully meditate anywhere, you will know you’ve got the hang of it.

In the beginning, the lighting in the room should be dim — soft candlelight is excellent. Try not to wear restrictive clothing, and find a comfortable chair, but not one so soothing that you will instantly fall asleep.

Be sure that the volume of the music is not too loud. You might consider using headphones because they block out all other sounds.


When you are finished with each meditation, imagine a zipper the length of your body. You must close up that zipper to shut down the chakras; never leave them open. When complete, count from ten to one, then tell yourself you are fully awake. Breathe deeply.

Week One:

Begin by closing your eyes and consciously relaxing your body. Some people prefer to relax the body one part at a time, starting at the feet and working up to the top of the head. Others can consciously release tension in a few seconds. Breathe deeply — in to the count of four, out to the count of four — approximately ten times.

Let your mind slip into a semi-conscious state. Try to ignore tingles, itches, etc, but don’t make a major battle out of it. Eventually your body will not protest relaxing!

Now it is time to make believe. Don’t laugh! Wishes and make believe are the same as reality, it is only you who draws the line between the two. So, make believe that you are a fountain of sparkling blue light, or a waterfall, perhaps. This light springs from the top of your head and showers down your right side, swirls around your feet and comes back up the left side.

Watch this continuous flow of light from your third eye (which is located in the middle of your forehead, above the bridge of your nose). When this is fully opened, it is a powerful and natural tool.

Don’t get excited if you can’t “see” right away as if you are watching an inner movie. It can take up to thirty days to bring the picture in focus for some; as little as five days for others. Do not put yourself under pressure. Many people have their imagination on a very tight lease for fear that society in general will frown upon them. In the privacy of your meditation, no one will know or care about your imagination, so let it go.

Continue the fountain exercise for one full week before going further. This will give your body and mind time to adjust to a new routine and react the way you want it to. End each exercise by envisioning yourself being zipped up like a sleeping bag and counting backwards from ten to one. At one, open your eyes and instruct yourself to fully awaken.

Week Two:

During the second week you should follow the same procedures, but this time you will continue your meditation after you complete the fountain by opening up the Chakra center. You can envision them as tumbling balls of colored light, the opening of colored flowers (like a rose or a lotus), or as spirals of colored light.

Start at the crown of your head and envision a pure white ball (flower, etc.) of sparkling light. Start the ball spinning in a downward rotation, yet the ball remains in place. When you have this center set in your mind continue to the next Chakra.

This one is purple and located at the third eye area we talked about earlier. When that one is spinning and stable, move to the throat Chakra, where you will find a beautiful azure blue ball.

Next is the heart Chakra, which can be envisioned as either bright green or warm pink. Move down to your navel and see yellow, as bright as summer sunshine; the area below it, between the navel and groin, see the orange of the setting sun. The last Chakra is in the groin area, and it is crimson red. There are also energy centers in the hands and feet; I let them explode all together into small, white balls of light.

Week Three:

The third week you will try the hardest trick. Once you have all the balls spinning, let their colors flow into one another, like a giant, colorful waterfall or fountain — hence, fountain meditation.

Once you have mastered the third week, you will have completed the series. It is then up to you if you wish to continue every day, or if you would prefer to refresh your chakras and your energy on a weekly basis instead.


Let’s stop here and consider if none of this has been working for you. First, you must believe that it is going to work from the beginning. If you are having any doubts, they are probably affecting your subconscious. Try writing some affirmations or taping to yourself to solve this dilemma. You may also try working the chakras from the groin area up.

Meditation may not work if you are overly tired or not in the appropriate atmosphere. There are certain times in the day where people are more in sync than others. If mornings are good for you usually, try meditating in the early hours instead of night time.

A complete meditation is designed to accomplish something. A partial meditation, like the fountain during the first week, is structured to balance the chakras and relieve stress. When you are finished with the partial meditation, you should feel rested and relaxed, yet energized.

If you fall asleep during the exercise, do not worry too much about it. Your body is telling you that you need the rest. If this happens often, and you are getting enough sleep at night, check your seating, lighting, and the time of day. Perhaps one or more could be changed to keep you from dozing off.

As you become more capable of controlling your meditation exercises, you can investigate other meditations that incorporate creative visualization techniques, subliminals or visualization training.

Source: To Ride A Silver Broomstick by Silver Ravenwolf

Chakra Meditation


There is a special type of concentrative meditation which we will call ‘Chakra meditation’. This is basically Kundalini yoga — the practice of causing psychic energy (Kundalini) to flow up Sushumna, energizing the various Chakras along the way.

The Sushumna is the central energy channel or Nadi that travels the full length of the middle of the spinal cord. It is the channel through which pranic energy flows and through which we experience Kundalini Awakening.

The practice, considered dangerous by some, will produce definite physiological sensations and psychological effects if continued long enough. It should not be attempted by epileptics or persons with an unstable mental or physical condition, or with heart disease. Certain drugs and medications, such as those used to treat epilepsy may retard progress.

Although the technique is very simple, it may eventually produce powerful results. Results may at first appear hours after the practice during sleep. As each Chakra is energized by this practice, it is said to add occult powers (sidhis), until at last the crown Chakra is reached, and with it, full enlightenment is attained. Sometimes Kundalini awakens all by itself.

To practice this Chakra meditation, you simply concentrate on the Chakras, beginning with the root Chakra, and moving progressively up, as you visualize psychic energy from the root Chakra traveling up Sushumna and vivifying each higher Chakra. As we mentioned the Chakras have certain properties associated with them, so that this type of visualization may ‘raise consciousness’, promote astral projection, and other things – once you have reached ajna and eventually the crown Chakra.

You might typically meditate in this fashion for 15 minutes to a half hour a day. It might help to practice some hatha yoga or other physical exercise in an effort to make the spinal cord ‘more flexible’. Diet may also affect the process. The technique is also similar to the Tibetan ‘Tummo’ meditation. The rise of Kundalini is sometimes experienced as a ‘vibration’ or buzzing, as light, or as heat.

Chakra Zen Incantations

The Thinking and Breathing incantations in Eric Maisel’s book entitled Ten Zen Seconds: Twelve incantations for Purpose, Power and Calm  are as simple as counting from one to two.


Here’s how it works – First take in a deep breath. Second release a cleansing breath out. The thought is a phrase that is to be spoken out loud. The words are to broken down into two parts so that it has a rhythmic tone to it.


I am open to joy.

Breathe in as you say … I AM OPEN,
On the out breath say … TO JOY.

The idea is not to create images in your mind while doing these incantation, but to focus only on the words and the breath. Here are some chakra-zen incantations that are intended to be used for chakra balancing.

Chakra Zen Incantations:

  • My energy … is free of blockages.
  • My root chakra … is deeply grounded.
  • My sacral chakra juices ,,, are creative and bold.
  • My solar plexus … feels mellow and calm.
  • My heart … is filled with love.
  • My throat … speaks the truth.
  • My third eye … intuits inner knowledge.
  • My crown chakra … projects inspiration.
  • My chakras … are spinning in alignment.
  • My aura … is colorful and clutter-free.
  • My lightbody … beams brightly.
  • I am … centered and balanced.

These can be done individually as needed, or collectively. Recommended time spent on this mantra practice is 15 to 20 minutes each day.

Chakra Balancing Meditation

Sit in a comfortable upright position.
It’s best if your spine is straight, but comfort is more important.

chakrabalancingredVisualize a little red ball of light spinning at the base of your spine. This is the root chakra. Mentally note any color that it is and the direction it is spinning if possible. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a brilliant, clear, ruby red.

Encourage the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the root chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body is surrounded by this brilliant red light. Diminish the red sphere until it has returned to the little red ball of light at the base of your spine.

wwb_img84Slowly turn your attention upward to the orange ball of light slightly above the root chakra. This orange ball of light is your sacral chakra. Mentally note any color that it is and the direction it is spinning if possible. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a stunning orange.

Encourage the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the sacral chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body is encased in orange light. Diminish the orange sphere until it has returned to the little orange ball of light behind your naval region.

wwb_img85Slowly turn your attention upward to the yellow ball of light slightly above the sacral chakra. This yellow ball of light is your solar plexus chakra. Mentally note any color that it is and the direction it is spinning if possible. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a bright sun yellow.

Encourage the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the solar plexus chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body is encased in yellow light. Diminish the yellow sphere until it has returned to the little yellow ball of light behind your stomach region.

wwb_img86Slowly turn your attention upward to the green ball of light slightly above the solar plexus chakra. This green ball of light is your heart chakra. Mentally note any color that it is and the direction it is spinning if possible. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a clear emerald green.

Encourage the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the heart chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body is encased in green light. Diminish the green sphere until it has returned to the little green ball of light behind your heart.

wwb_img87Slowly turn your attention upward to the blue ball of light slightly above the heart chakra. This blue ball of light is your throat chakra. Mentally note any color that it is and the direction it is spinning if possible. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a sky blue.

Encourage the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the throat chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body is encased in blue light. Diminish the blue sphere until it has returned to the little blue ball of light from your throat.

wwb_img88Slowly turn your attention upward to the purple ball of light in your brow region. This purple ball of light is your third eye chakra. Mentally note any color variance in the chakra and the direction it is spinning. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to a clear, deep purple.

Encourage the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the third eye chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body embraces this purple light. Diminish the purple sphere until it has returned to the little purple ball of light near your third eye.

wwb_img89Slowly turn your attention upward to the white ball of light descending down from the sky above. This white ball of light is your crown chakra beginning to open to receive messages from the divine. Take a moment to feel the warmth and love from this light. Mentally note any distortion in color and the direction it is spinning. Begin to mentally change the hue of the ball to the most brilliant white light that you can imagine.

Encourage the chakra to spin in a clockwise direction if it is not already doing so. Once the crown chakra is spinning in the proper direction with the correct hue, expand it until your whole body is covered in brilliant white light. Feel the warmth on your skin. Feel it penetrate deep into your tissues and muscles. Feel it warm your bones. Then diminish the white sphere until it has returned to the little white ball of light at the top of your head.


Begin to wiggle your toes and fingers. Become aware of the position of your physical body. Slowly move your legs and arms. Open your eyes then take a moment to become aware of the room around you.

Source Unknown

Chakra Affirmation Meditation

Our minds control our energy.
The universe responds to whatever you think.
What follows is a simple Chakra Affirmation Meditation:


Go into Meditation.

Tune into your 1st chakra
and find something positive to say to yourself on a survival level.

Tune into your 2nd chakra
and find something positive to say to yourself on an emotional and sexual level.

Tune into your 3rd chakra
and find something positive to say to yourself on a will, will power and manifesting level.

Tune into your 4th chakra
and find something positive to say to yourself on a love and affinity for yourself and others level.

Tune into your 5th chakra
and find something positive to say to yourself on a communication level.

Tune into your 6th chakra
and find something positive to say to yourself on a psychic, creativity and healing ability level.

Tune into your 7th chakra
and find something positive to say to yourself on a spiritual awareness level.

Come out of meditation.

Do this daily for 30 days!

Source: Laurie Grant


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Surely a man needs a closed place wherein he may strike root and, like the seed, become. But also he needs the great Milky Way above him and the vast sea spaces, though neither stars nor ocean serve his daily needs. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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