
This healing spell is best performed on a Monday.

Here’s what you need:

  • a picture (or item) of the sick person
  • a golden wish cord, yellow rope or ribbon

Hold the cord over the picture (or item) and say the following, tying a knot in the cord with each phrase:

With knot of one, my spell’s begun
With knot of two my word is true,
With knot of three, I bring healing to thee,
By knot of four, you’re better than before,
By knot of five you are no longer sick,
By knot of six this spell’s alive,
Seventh knot sealed, you are healed

Tie one last knot as you say:

“So mote it be”

Now, burn the knotted cord to release the magick.

Source unknown

seven hathors

This spell calls upon the Seven Hathors for protection. The Hathors are ancient birthroom spirits, but they also provide protection on certain days… and can grant gifts and wishes as well.

You will need the following:

  • 1 small cup of your favorite beverage,
  • 1 piece of your favorite fruit cut up into seven slices,
  • 1 long red ribbon cut into seven pieces.

Create an offering table to call the attention of the Hathors and spread out the cup filled with your beverage, the fruit slices, and the ribbons on the table. One for each Hathor.

Speak softly over the ribbons, explain your desires, your fears, and what you want. For example:

“Seven Hathors I speak to today,
come and dine at my table.
My gifts I give freely,
only two things I request.
Protect me from bad luck on Friday the 13th,
and send me some good luck that makes me smile.”

Remember, protection from bad luck is most important…don’t get greedy with your desires… they’ll send you a little good luck if you keep it reasonable.

Tie all seven ribbons together. Hang these ribbons prominently all day long… then bury them in your yard on Saturday. Should their help be needed again summon the seven Hathors with seven new ribbons.

Spell by Rose Ariadne

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If you would like some advice about what sort of magick is needed, simply enter a short explanation of your situation. Our resident witch will be happy to assist. Good Luck!!

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Being A Witch

We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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