Remove Obstacles

If you are seeking new opportunities and wish to break down any obstacles that stand in your way, a Ganesh Road Opener Ritual just may be your answer!

Who is Ganesh?

Ganesha is India’s cutest god. He has the head of an elephant on which is perched a dainty tiara, four pudgy hands joined to a sizeable belly with each hand holding its own symbolic object. One has a trishul, or a trident, the second, an ankush, or goad made from his very own broken tooth, the third hand elegantly holds a lotus and the fourth a rosary (which is sometimes replaced by modaks – his favourite sweet). His appetite for sweets is legendary and offerings of them are often left at his shrine.

Ganesha is famous not only for being a trickster and for his sense of humour, but equally for his wisdom. He is the son of Shiva (Destroyer in the Hindu Holy Trinity of Creator-Preserver-Destroyer) and Parvati (Shiva’s consort).

The chubby, gentle, wise, elephant-headed Ganesh, or Ganesha, is one of Hinduisms most popular deities. He is the remover of obstacles, the deity whom worshippers first acknowledge when they visit a temple. He is also patron of letters and of learning; he is the legendary scribe who, using his broken tusk, which he often holds, wrote down parts of the Mahabharata epic.

He is typically honored with hibiscus flowers.

Traditionally, Ganesh is petitioned at the start of new ventures. If you are dreaming of doing something new such as embarking on a new job, a new relationship or simply just want more prosperity in your life then a ritual to Ganesh may serve you well.

The Ganesh Road Opener Ritual

To perform a Ganesh Road Opener Ritual, print out a picture of Ganesh and place it on an altar. You will also need a yellow candle, candy, a simple plate, a bowl of fresh water and some fresh flowers. Begin by cutting the flowers and placing them in the bowl of fresh water. I prefer to cut the flowers down to simply the flower tops and allow them to float in the water.

You will also want to add a couple drops of Ganesh Oil into the water as you do this. On your plate, place any items that reflect what you wish to accomplish. For example, you can place your business cards, some new silver coins, a job application, a prayer, petition, photos or even an important business contract. Get your yellow candle and anoint it with Ganesh oil, drawing the oil up the candle towards the wick.

  • Here’s a recipe if you want to make it for yourself: Ganesh Road Opener Oil Blend
  • Calamint or Hibiscus essential oils, hydrosols, or fragrances can be substituted for an oil blend.
  • Sesame oil can also be used as a substitute.

Place the candle in an appropriate candle holder and then put it on the plate with your items. When you are ready, light the candle and say a prayer. When the candle has completely burned down, take all the remains and bury it in a flower pot.

Here is the easiest and most effective way to ask Ganesh for help:

  • First study a picture of Ganesh, so that you may have a firm understanding of what he looks like and can recreate that image in your mind.
  • Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and bring that image of Ganesh to your mind. Try and see him in as much detail as possible. See his beautiful elephant-head, with welcoming eyes, large ears, long trunk and big, pot-belly. See him as clearly as you can.
  • Now, simply speak to him, speak all of your concerns, worries, needs, etc. Know that as you speak he is hearing you and that you are making a connection with him.

That’s it! It’s that easy. When you have done this once, it is said that you will then have a permanent and ongoing relationship and connection with Ganesh. Speak to Him anytime you wish, as many times as you wish. It does not have to be a formal meditation. Take a moment in your day, if you feel the need, close your eyes and speak to him using the above method.

Invoking Ganesh With A Mantra

Another way that you can invoke the power of Ganesh is by repeating one of his mantras. In the simplest sense, mantras are ancient Sanskrit words of power. Each syllable of a mantra resonates a certain vibration. Mantras are used in meditation, to focus the mind, but they are also used to invoke the blessing of a Deity. What is happening when you repeat a mantra over and over, is that you are matching your own vibrational frequency to that of the mantra and its purpose (wealth, health, success, knowledge, etc.). Each of the Hindu Deities has their own mantra or mantras, which invoke the type of energy that the Deity represents.

This is one of the most popular and most powerful mantras to invoke the assistance of Ganesh and to remove the obstacles in your life. To work with it, simply repeat it aloud/ or in your head if you’re sat at work or with people, (chant) over and over again, or repeat it silently to yourself. You will see the most benefit from this practice if you do it daily, for at least 4-6 weeks. It may not take that long to see the benefits, but you will come to realize the full power of the mantra if you continue with its practice. I can can say from personal experience that this mantra is powerful and Ganesh has blessed me many times, removing many obstacles from my own life, and opening up new opportunities.

The mantra is:

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

A loose translation might be:

  • Om = The sound of the universe
  • Gam = The secret power sound of Ganesh. It is his “seed syllable” or bija mantra.
  • Ganapataye = Another name of Ganesh, the remover of obstacles.
  • Namaha = I submit to a higher power.

The pronunciation is also pretty easy:

  • Om = ohm or aum
  • Gam = Somewhere between “gahm” and “gum”. In some dialects it is “guhng”.
  • Ganapataye = gah-nah-paht-ah-yeh
  • Namaha – nah-mah-hah

Repetition of this mantra over and over again brings peace, and is designed to help remove anything that might be blocking your progress. You can use the whole mantra, or just the bija or seed sound for the Ganesh Mantra, which is “Gam” and sounds like “gum.

Collected from various sources

Petition the Goddess Hecate to break your block through the use of her sacred emblems. Hecate’s attributes include:

  • Key
  • Broom
  • Torch
  • Cauldron
  • Dragons
  • Dogs

Collect charms representing these images to place on a charm bracelet. This is a spell in progress. Each time you locate a charm, consecrate it to Hecate and request that she unblock your roads. Wear the bracelet or carry it in a conjure bag, especially when free access is needed.

Other symbols associated with Hecate, and which could be included are:

Crossroads, New Moon, Number 3, Dagger, Serpent, Polecat, Owl, Willow, Star

source: Coven Of Hecate

Here is a simple ritual to invoke the power of Hekate to unlock doors which until now have been closed to you, to create openings in the impenetrable areas of your life, or to open and unblock areas in your self that have been locked away:

You will need the following:

  • A three way crossroads in your area that offers some privacy.
  • Bake or buy a small cheesecake – this will be left as an offering
  • 13 small black candles
  • A black candle large enough to burn through the night.
  • Wine, honey, or milk (or a mixture of the three) to offer as a libation at the crossroads.
  • Three keys – also to be left at the crossroads.

Spend some time thinking about what it is that you would like Hekate to unlock for you in your life while gathering your supplies. When you have everything gathered together, light the larger black candle and begin chanting:

Dark Mother
Dark Mother
You walk with me
Like no other
Dark Mother

Continue chanting as you leave your house and go to the crossroads. Once there, spend a few moments in silence allowing the Dark Mother, Hekate to make herself known. You might hear dogs barking, you might see shadows in the trees, you might hear horses, or the wind might speak.

When you feel that She is there, explain that you are leaving the cake as an offering, ask for Her help in unlocking whatever it is that you need help with. Use your own words, speak out loud and with confidence.

Place the cheesecake on the ground, light the candles, and then pour a libation. If it is inappropriate or a fire hazard to leave the candles burning, pour the libation over the lit candles and the cake, if not, pour the libation in a circle around the cake.

Now, explain that you are leaving three keys as a demonstration of your willingness to allow the Goddess to work in your life. Place one key at each corner of the crossroads. As you place the key, make a statement of thanks.

As soon as that is done immediately leave the area without looking back. When you get back to your home, spend some time in silence sitting with the candle you lit before leaving the house. Allow it to burn completely down.


The following items can be substituted in a pinch:

If you do not have access to a crossroads, an image of a crossroads, such as a photograph, or drawing will be fine. If you have a private place outdoors, take the image with you and complete the ritual as if the image is the crossroads, leaving everything behind just as you would if you had gone to a crossroads. The next day (if the items cannot remain as is) you can collect everything that was left outside – these items should then be buried nearby or burned.

If you don’t have a place outdoors, the ritual can be done indoors. When it is complete, take the cake, the wine, and the keys outside where they should stay overnight. You can then collect what’s left of them in the morning and bury them nearby or burn them.

Red, white, and yellow are colors sacred to Hekate and can be substituted for the black candles.

If you don’t have keys, you can make them either by forming aluminum foil into “key” shapes, cutting key shapes from cardstock, or finding a pictures of keys in a magazine or newspaper and cutting those out. Alternatively, an old credit card can be cut into 3 pieces.

Spell by Madame Fortuna

There are many, many good reasons that have nothing to do with theft for why one would need to open a locked door to which one does not have a key. Of course, should one possess the right to enter, summoning a locksmith might be easier. Just in case, however, you find yourself outside a locked door without a key, without anyone willing to let you in, and without access to a locksmith, let’s hope that you’re carrying lotus root or moonwort, or (better still) chicory.

Lotus Root Door Unlocking Spell:

Place a lotus root beneath your tongue. Face a locked door and say “Sign Argis.” Allegedly the door should open.

Moonwort Door Unlocking Spell:

Place a bit of moonwort into a keyhole to loosen the lock.

Magical key Spell to Open Locked Doors:

Chicory allegedly removes obstacles. If gathered correctly, it may open locks. Silently gather chicory on Midsummer’s Eve at midnight, or on Midsummer’s Day at twelve noon, using a golden knife. Dry the plant. Allegedly this will serve as a key to open locks if it is held against them.

A very old spell to open a door:

A Greek text from Egypt, apparently copied about 350 GC, describes a spell for opening doors:

Taking the navel of a male crocodile and the egg of a scarab and a heart of a baboon, put these into a blue-green faience vessel. And when you wish to open a door, bring the navel to the door, saying,

{I call on you} who have power in the deep, for myself,
that there may now be a way open for me, for I say to you,

From: Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells and other sources

GnomeAccording to the 16th century Swiss alchemist Paracelsus, the gnome is able to move through earth in the same manner that a fish swims through water or a human walks through air. Gnomes are associated with the fey, or fairy-folk, and are equated with earthly treasures, earth consciousness, and great knowledge of the magick in rocks, caves, roots, gems, and mountains.

Because gnomes can move through earth like fish swim through water, one can turn to the gnomes to move a block of earth energy within oneself, or a block placed in our path by another.

This spell is particularly good when things have been moving along just fine for you, you’ve been recovering from your debts, sailing ahead and suddenly – thwack! You run into some sort of a block. Before you spend days, weeks, or months worrying, try this spell.


  • 1 cup dirt
  • A sieve
  • A handful (up to 1/2 oz) of ginger or dragon’s blood herb


Over a paper towel or bowl, pour the cup of dirt into the sieve. Add the ginger (or dragon’s blood)


Element of earth,
move the mountain of ___________ (state what is stuck)

As the ginger (or dragon’s blood) mixes with the earth,
so shall the blocks in my life
be broken gently apart and removed,
so that I may prosper.

As the dirt shakes out of the sieve, visualize the financial problems in your life breaking up and dissolving. Once all the dirt is through the sieve, turn the sieve over and tap it seven times to remove any excess dirt.

Carry the dirt to a crossroads at midnight and dump it there, once again asking the element of earth to gently disperse the negativity in your life with harm to none.

Wash the sieve, asking the element of water to gently cleanse your situation.


The primary purpose of ice magic is transformation. Ice is a combination of water and air. Once frozen, if fire is added, the ice melts.

Floating candles in a bowl of water and ice may seem like a simple type of spell, but it calls for a natural balance to take place. Moreover, writing your problems on paper and freezing them may also seem like a simple spell, but it is highly effective.

One of my favorite magical uses for ice is the “stop something in its tracks” type. In other words, after an argument, I am not above writing my aggravation down on paper and freezing the paper until such a time as I can comfortably deal with the problem. Once I’m ready, I simply thaw out the paper and deal with it. You can perform this type of magic for any sort of negative trait within yourself that you wish to be rid of.

Likewise, you can also manifest with snow and/or ice. Place magnets or symbols into a large ball of snow, or freeze them into a block of ice. Then allow the snow to melt as it removes any obstacles between you and your goal and releases the energy to bring you your wish.

Source: Tammy Sullivan


Undines are female derivatives of water spirits. Like the other elements, the undines contribute to the universal life force through purification, movement and sound.

This spell uses the properties of water turned to ice. Pour spring water into a small, new paper or plastic cup. Freeze.

When you are ready to perform the spell, take the cup out of the freezer. Place upside-down in a bowl. Hold your hands over the ice and name what has frozen in your financial affairs. Blow on the ice three times. And chant:

Breath of spirit,
Warmth of love.

Allow the ice to thaw, visualizing the financial difficulty flowing away from you. When it is thawed, pour the water on a house plant – our outside around a tree or shrub. As you pour the water out, think about how the energy of spirit and the warmth of love can now freely flow through you to nourish and heal those around you.

From: Silver’s Spells for Prosperity by Silver Ravenwolf

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