
There is a powerful Buddhist ritual that addresses the popular aspiration to get rich. The practice involves offering a light stream of water over the head of the Dzambhala symbolized by its image. The White Dzambhala is a wealth granting aspect of the Compassionate Buddha and in this form sits on a turquoise dragon, surrounded by four dakinis each signifying a Buddhist cosmic family and a compass direction. Dakinis are powerful female angels who help Dzambhala bring riches into the lives of those who do the water ritual daily while reciting their mantras.

It is important to generate an altruistic intention when doing this practice. When your desire to become rich is only to benefit yourself, it deprives the practice of much power. When your aspiration is fueled by your great desire to help others however, the ritual takes on much added power. Even when your motivation is inspired by your great wish to benefit your loved ones, this is far better than just thinking of yourself.

Thus for those needing the money to fund their children’s education, to buy a house for the family, to pay for hospital bills for instance… and you think through these needs of yours before doing the ritual then, it will establish a good and pure motivation that really adds great strength to the practice.

The Preparations

Firstly, get an image of the White Dzambhala. Commit the image of Dzambhala to memory. Notice that White Dzambhala is sitting on a turquoise dragon and is carrying a white trident in one hand and a banner in another.

Secondly, get images of the four Dakinis. These are beautiful offering Goddesses from the four Buddhist families, each of whom live in a different direction. From the East comes blue coloured Vajra Dakini who holds a thunderbolt in her right hand; from the South comes Ratna Dakini who holds a jewel in her right hand; from the West comes Padma Dakini and she holds a lotus in her right hand; and from the North comes green coloured Karma Dakini who holds a sword in her right hand. Commit the images of the dakinis to memory to aid you in your visualizations as you recite their mantra.

Thirdly set up your crystal bowl in which you place an inverted glass to place a flat surface on which you place White Dzambhala in the center surrounded by the four dakinis.

Finally prepare a jug of fresh water filled to the brim; it should have a thin spout from which you will pour water over White Dzambhala’s crown as you recite his mantra. Do this pouring slowly and with great loving gentleness.

Mantra Practice

Begin by generating a good motivation… then start reciting the mantra of White Dzambhala:

Om Padma Krodha Arya
Dzambhala Hridaya Hum Phat

As you recite, start offering the water on the head of Dzambhala. Do this slowly but steadily and note that it should be a fine stream of water. As you pour the water with your right hand, snap the fingers of your left hand in front of your heart and recite the mantra a minimum of seven times and preferably 108 times. If you have a rosary of 108 mala beads, use this and make it your designated mala for doing this practice. At times when you are in a rush, you can recite 21 or 28 times.

The Visualization

As you recite the Dzambhala mantra and pour the water on his head, think that from the mouth of the Dragon and from the mouth of Dzambhala’s mongoose come an unceasing flow of wish-fulfilling jewels and dollar notes, millions and millions of dollars. The flow of wealth comes like beautiful water falling down from the mountains. Think that Dzambhala is experiencing great bliss from the water so he promises to help you by bringing big wealth for your family and your business.

The Four Dakinis

Next you must turn your attention to the four dakinis. If there is any water left, you can also pour over the heads of the dakini images. If not, then all you need to do is to recite the mantras of the four dakinis as follows. Recite 21 sets of these mantras.

Om Vajra dakini hum phat
Om Ratna dakini hum phat
Om Padma dakini hum phat
Om Karma dakini hum phat
Sarwa Siddhi hum


When you have finished reciting all the mantras, it is important to dedicate the practice and the ritual just performed to your family and to the success of all your financial aspirations. The water used for the ritual can be used to make tea or to pour over plants or into your fish tanks or water features…

You can also place a White Dzambhala image under the falling water in a small waterfall. Place this in the North, East or Southeast of your living area… and keep the water flowing through the day. You can turn off the waterfall in the night. If you have such a waterfall in the house, it is also a good idea to recite the mantra 21 times in front of the waterfall, as this creates the great merit of invoking Dzambhala’s assistance for the family or the business. You can also create this water feature in your office.

Found at: World Of Feng Shui

Did you ever meet someone, an elder perhaps, someone wise and calm, joyful and seemingly ageless, who seems to possess a deep inner peace? Someone who seems to have lived forever, seen everything and has the answers and advice to help us with all our problems?

If we don’t know someone like this, we wish we did, or we long for these qualities in ourselves—the patience and understanding to overcome any obstacle and the ability to learn from our challenges, while keeping a youthful glow and enjoying each day, and finding beauty in everything and everyone around us. Sounds impossible, right? We often attribute these characteristics to fantasy figures. But there truly are people who live this way, yet if we don’t personally know any of them, it seems like fantasy.

So, let’s use fantasy as a bridge to reality, through the magic of the unicorn. Legends of the unicorn speak of them as wise and immortal creatures. This spell is for the unicorn to help us age gracefully with a youthful carefree spirit. This is for people of any age, to ensure the lively and energetic qualities of vitality and joy and, in addition, to help us learn patience and gain wisdom.

You will need:

  • A unicorn statue of any size or color
  • A piece of white ribbon
  • Essential oil or other fragrance blend of your choice

Use your intuition when selecting the oil or blend of oils. Choose a scent that uplifts you and makes you feel cheerful or one you associate with happy memories. Sprinkle a few drops of the oil on the ribbon.

Visualize the unicorn, a wise and experienced sage. She has lived forever and endured many challenges with grace, and now she is bestowing her magic upon you. Make this visualization as detailed as you desire.

If this proves difficult, suspend your disbelief; pretend you are a child again. You meet a unicorn in the wild. Because you carry the white ribbon, the unicorn knows you are a kindred spirit. This ribbon is your link to the unicorn. You drape it around the unicorn’s neck and the two of you walk as companions through the forest. The unicorn confers wisdom upon you. This special wisdom contains the secrets for a happy life, whatever that may be for you.

Tie the ribbon around the statue. This is symbolic of your meeting with the unicorn and your initiation into her mysteries. The secrets will unfold throughout your life as you need them. One of the ways your higher spirit can help you discover what you need is through the use of symbols; the symbol of the unicorn can be a gentle and inspiring teacher and guide.

Speak this chant as you tie the ribbon:

Unicorn of legend, Unicorn of myth,
May your youthfulness and spirit stay with me.
Unicorn of mystery, Unicorn of magic,
May your endurance always offer possibility.
Unicorn of purity, Unicorn of power,
May your strength be at my side in every way.
Unicorn of inspiration, Unicorn of peace,
May your gentleness and grace bless all my days.

Source: Llewellyn

With a magical horn positioned precisely at the intuitive center (also known as the brow or third eye chakra), unicorns are strong symbols of psychic power.

To enlist a unicorn’s help in activating your intuitive abilities, relax, close your eyes, and envision yourself in a fairy forest. Journey deeper and deeper into the heart of the forest, knowing that you are approaching a unicorn spirit guide. In time, you will make contact.

When you do, get to know your guide:

  • What does he or she look like?
  • Where in the fairy forest does he or she like to hang out?
  • What is his or her name?
  • And what messages does he or she have for you about how to activate your intuitive gifts?

When your communion with this magical, inter-dimensional creature feels complete, thank him or her with an offering or a gift. Whatever feels right to you will do, but keep in mind that unicorns have been known to enjoy apples, crystals, shiny objects, and bubbly drinks.

In the future, you can consult with this guide to receive intuitive messages and learn how to further activate and calibrate your psychic and intuitive gifts.

Source: Tess Whitehurst

This is a simple candle meditation ritual to enhance creativity.

  • 1 orange candle (creativity, enthusiasm)
  • 1 yellow candle (creativity, imagination, and inspiration)
  • Amethyst, chrysocolla, black onyx, and turquoise
  • White Sage, Palo Santo, or Florida water (cleanse and clear)

Creativity is more than just writing, painting, or music It can be about coming up with a great innovative concept for a business method, or something as mundane as redecorating your apartment. This ritual is flexible so feel free to adjust wording as you fit.

Cleanse and clear your space using White Sage, Palo Santo, or Florida water.

Light your altar candles and the incense. Anoint your candles using appropriate oils for creativity. Place the orange and yellow candles side by side and place a piece of black onyx behind the orange candle and the piece of turquoise in front of it.

With your yellow candle, place the Chrysocolla behind the candle, and the amethyst in the front. Light the candles, and think about the particular reason why you need creativity, you might wish to say aloud something along the lines as simple as:

The Universe is filled with endless ideas of creativity. I attract them to me like a magnet. My mind and dreams are open to these ideas. They flow in like a stream of clear water.

Sitting in silence breathe in the sign of Leo and place it into your heart center. Allow the color of Gold, radiating like the sun to surround your entire body and fill you with courage, strength, and fire. Recognize the power of yourself as an individual. A powerful Leo moon mantra for this meditation to remember is:

” My will is strong and my calling is to express and illuminate.”

After the meditation, it might be helpful to consider, or to journal your answers to the following questions:

  • What is it that I have been given to express?
  • How can I do that with an open and generous heart?


While this meditation is great for when there is a New or Full Moon in Leo, it is also appropriate when the Sun is in Leo, or if your birth sign is Leo, or you have a special affinity for Leo or Lions.

Found at: The Pagan Calendar

The Crystal Fountain is a place of peace and tranquility, you can visit whenever you feel stressed or tired. Here you can ask a question and seek the answer in the waters.

Lie down comfortably, with your arms by your sides and your legs uncrossed, close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Visualize yourself walking through the woods on a Summer’s evening. The trees along each side of the path are Oak and Ash and Elm, and they move softly in the gentle night breeze.

The air moving through their branches seems to whisper a welcome. The ground beneath your feet is soft and mossy, and cool. You slip off your shoes to make contact with the earth. Above you the sky is a deepening blue and the Full Moon lights your way.

As you walk, you hear the sound of running water, and through the trees you glimpse a small stream, tumbling over rocks and making music which complements the night. Turning a bend, you see a small waterfall descending into a pool almost at your feet. Take a step towards it and kneel at its edge.

Reflected in the rippling waters you see the face of the Moon and below the surface stones and crystals of differing colors. Gazing at the Moon’s reflection you ask your question and then, dipping your hand into the waters, you withdraw a stone. Look carefully at the stone and remember it.

Now give your thanks to the Moon and the waters, and return to the here and now. Remember the stone and seek the answer to your question through its meaning.


This is a really nice meditation for cleansing and healing as well. Instead of asking a question and dipping your hand into the waters, step into the water and ask to be healed and cleansed. Take plenty of time to relax and allow the magickal waters of the crystal fountain to cleanse and heal you. When you are complete, take time to relax as you return to the here and now. And as always, be sure to express your gratitude.

From: The Real Witches’ Year

If you are seeking new opportunities and wish to break down any obstacles that stand in your way, a Ganesh Road Opener Ritual just may be your answer!

Who is Ganesh?

Ganesha is India’s cutest god. He has the head of an elephant on which is perched a dainty tiara, four pudgy hands joined to a sizeable belly with each hand holding its own symbolic object. One has a trishul, or a trident, the second, an ankush, or goad made from his very own broken tooth, the third hand elegantly holds a lotus and the fourth a rosary (which is sometimes replaced by modaks – his favourite sweet). His appetite for sweets is legendary and offerings of them are often left at his shrine.

Ganesha is famous not only for being a trickster and for his sense of humour, but equally for his wisdom. He is the son of Shiva (Destroyer in the Hindu Holy Trinity of Creator-Preserver-Destroyer) and Parvati (Shiva’s consort).

The chubby, gentle, wise, elephant-headed Ganesh, or Ganesha, is one of Hinduisms most popular deities. He is the remover of obstacles, the deity whom worshippers first acknowledge when they visit a temple. He is also patron of letters and of learning; he is the legendary scribe who, using his broken tusk, which he often holds, wrote down parts of the Mahabharata epic.

He is typically honored with hibiscus flowers.

Traditionally, Ganesh is petitioned at the start of new ventures. If you are dreaming of doing something new such as embarking on a new job, a new relationship or simply just want more prosperity in your life then a ritual to Ganesh may serve you well.

The Ganesh Road Opener Ritual

To perform a Ganesh Road Opener Ritual, print out a picture of Ganesh and place it on an altar. You will also need a yellow candle, candy, a simple plate, a bowl of fresh water and some fresh flowers. Begin by cutting the flowers and placing them in the bowl of fresh water. I prefer to cut the flowers down to simply the flower tops and allow them to float in the water.

You will also want to add a couple drops of Ganesh Oil into the water as you do this. On your plate, place any items that reflect what you wish to accomplish. For example, you can place your business cards, some new silver coins, a job application, a prayer, petition, photos or even an important business contract. Get your yellow candle and anoint it with Ganesh oil, drawing the oil up the candle towards the wick.

  • Here’s a recipe if you want to make it for yourself: Ganesh Road Opener Oil Blend
  • Calamint or Hibiscus essential oils, hydrosols, or fragrances can be substituted for an oil blend.
  • Sesame oil can also be used as a substitute.

Place the candle in an appropriate candle holder and then put it on the plate with your items. When you are ready, light the candle and say a prayer. When the candle has completely burned down, take all the remains and bury it in a flower pot.

Here is the easiest and most effective way to ask Ganesh for help:

  • First study a picture of Ganesh, so that you may have a firm understanding of what he looks like and can recreate that image in your mind.
  • Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and bring that image of Ganesh to your mind. Try and see him in as much detail as possible. See his beautiful elephant-head, with welcoming eyes, large ears, long trunk and big, pot-belly. See him as clearly as you can.
  • Now, simply speak to him, speak all of your concerns, worries, needs, etc. Know that as you speak he is hearing you and that you are making a connection with him.

That’s it! It’s that easy. When you have done this once, it is said that you will then have a permanent and ongoing relationship and connection with Ganesh. Speak to Him anytime you wish, as many times as you wish. It does not have to be a formal meditation. Take a moment in your day, if you feel the need, close your eyes and speak to him using the above method.

Invoking Ganesh With A Mantra

Another way that you can invoke the power of Ganesh is by repeating one of his mantras. In the simplest sense, mantras are ancient Sanskrit words of power. Each syllable of a mantra resonates a certain vibration. Mantras are used in meditation, to focus the mind, but they are also used to invoke the blessing of a Deity. What is happening when you repeat a mantra over and over, is that you are matching your own vibrational frequency to that of the mantra and its purpose (wealth, health, success, knowledge, etc.). Each of the Hindu Deities has their own mantra or mantras, which invoke the type of energy that the Deity represents.

This is one of the most popular and most powerful mantras to invoke the assistance of Ganesh and to remove the obstacles in your life. To work with it, simply repeat it aloud/ or in your head if you’re sat at work or with people, (chant) over and over again, or repeat it silently to yourself. You will see the most benefit from this practice if you do it daily, for at least 4-6 weeks. It may not take that long to see the benefits, but you will come to realize the full power of the mantra if you continue with its practice. I can can say from personal experience that this mantra is powerful and Ganesh has blessed me many times, removing many obstacles from my own life, and opening up new opportunities.

The mantra is:

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

A loose translation might be:

  • Om = The sound of the universe
  • Gam = The secret power sound of Ganesh. It is his “seed syllable” or bija mantra.
  • Ganapataye = Another name of Ganesh, the remover of obstacles.
  • Namaha = I submit to a higher power.

The pronunciation is also pretty easy:

  • Om = ohm or aum
  • Gam = Somewhere between “gahm” and “gum”. In some dialects it is “guhng”.
  • Ganapataye = gah-nah-paht-ah-yeh
  • Namaha – nah-mah-hah

Repetition of this mantra over and over again brings peace, and is designed to help remove anything that might be blocking your progress. You can use the whole mantra, or just the bija or seed sound for the Ganesh Mantra, which is “Gam” and sounds like “gum.

Collected from various sources

Do you ever want “proof” that Magick exists in this world?

Here’s an exercise I recommend you do every single evening… to confirm in your heart that real Magick exists… and it’s inside of you.

No matter where you may be… take a moment to stop…and move to a place where you can be alone for a minute, so that you have a view of the sky.

Gaze up at the heavens…notice every cloud, the moon, and the stars and realize what a miracle it is that you’re breathing. That you exist.

That certain forces of this universe willed you into existence.

Life is the greatest gift any of us will ever receive… we can breathe, and think… see, taste, touch, and experience the beauty in our world.

This is proof you are extremely special, and lucky…

That you’re here for a reason…

That there’s Magick in this world, and it’s inside of you… and that you can make miracles in your life.

~Rose Ariadne

All food contains energies that you can work with to bring love into your life. Here’s a recipe for a lemony love dessert.

The preparation of food, with a particular intention in mind, is old magic. Look at food as sacred, let the act of preparing, cooking and eating food be a sacred act. Your kitchen can be a place of powerful magic, work slowly and deliberately to hone your craft. Always stir clockwise, clockwise motion is thought to be in harmony with the apparent movement of the sun in the sky, and has been linked with life, health and success.

  • The recipe:

Combine 4 egg yolks, 4 cups milk, and lemon zest grated in large strips, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1/2 cup plain flour. Mix in a pan over heat and stir until thick. Tip into a deep platter, remove lemon zest, refrigerate for 2 hours then cover with raspberries and dollop cream on top. As you eat savor the flavors and think of love.

Source: Witches Lore

You need three things:

  • Jasmine essence, essential oil, or flowers
  • A quartz crystal.
  • Symbols of each of the four elements – earth, fire, air, and water

Jasmine is the flower of femininity. (I am supposing this magic to be directed to a woman — of course men do want to lose weight too. If this is the case, choose an essence such as Patchouli or Vanilla). It is the flower of senses, of pleasure, of physical attraction. The best suited therefore to bring you back in touch with the pleasure of being in your skin, of looking and feeling attractive, the feeling that exudes naturally from a healthy and balanced body. In fact all the responsibility for weight problems resides somewhere in the body’s loss of its ability to stay balanced.

Deficiencies on the emotional or mental plane are interfering with the body’s natural wisdom. When its balance is impaired its happiness is lost. Through jasmine you may magically evoke that lost sensuous joyfulness. With the crystal quartz you focus your energies on the issue at hand, and give staying power to the healing forces.

Begin the process during the day, when the moon is full. Cleanse and dress yourself and sit in your magic place. Place the jasmine flowers or essence and also the quartz crystal in front of you together with symbols of the four elements (earth, fire, air, and water).

As you call the powers an element will present itself to you, according to where the imbalance is in you. That will of course change the shape of the incantation.

If you are not sure how the elements might present themselves, here are some ideas:

  • Air = words and language, aromas and sounds, breathing, flying
  • Earth = substance and things, plants and herbs, gardening, drumming,
  • Water = emotions and feelings, liquids and water, swimming, cleansing,
  • Fire = action, passion, heat, creating, light and color,

In this example I will use the element air – on the basis of this example you can work out the different variations.

So air is in this case the element which speaks, the power which will help you with this magic. Words belong to air magic. Now inhale the scent of the jasmine and relax deeply to ask your subconscious to give you a word – the key word for this magic.

For a few minutes you are sitting with your eyes closed, thinking of nothing. When you sense your mind beginning to wander astray, touch the quartz — its magical powers will help immediately to focus your attention again. Soon the key word will form itself in your conscious mind: in this example it is “independence”. It does not matter that you understand why this particular word should be your key word. Certainly a reason is there, your unconscious has its own deep wisdom — but it is not important that you should be consciously aware of its motives.

Every night, from the full moon to the black moon, you will rub a few drops of jasmine oil on your naked body. While doing this, let the key word “independence” stay in your mind.

As you revel in the fragrance of the jasmine, relaxing, images will come to your mind, suggestions as to how to expand on the independence in your life. Maybe you will have a vision on yourself learning a foreign language.

Following these suggestions is an essential part of this magic; if you want it to work you will have to find a way. The quartz will help you with that. If you find yourself saying “I have too much to do, I cannot possibly fit this in, I never was good at languages anyway.” etc., touch the crystal and feel its energy for a few seconds. It will immediately give you clarity and firmness of purpose, and you will be able to see what you need to do, and have the determination to do it.

Every night, before going to sleep, rub the essence on your body, and experiment with your key word. Keep the crystal with you at all times for this period — to touch it whenever you feel that you need to do so.

Thanks to the magic of the flower, of the crystal, and of the key word given to you by the power air, a deep change will start in this period. A change which will enable you to regain your natural balance, and the grace and beauty that go with it.

Source: Old Witchcraft

For a month each night go into the woods have a blanket to sleep on or meditate on. At midnight gaze into the darkness and let it enter into your eyes you will see things. This is normal. Remain calm and gaze for an hour allowing yourself to see whatever is to be seen, to feel whatever is to be felt, to understand whatever there is to understand.

Don’t be afraid. The darkness will enter you and you into it. Will yourself into the womb of the great mother like at conception. Darkness is the first mother, the first primal force.

You might see her when you close your eyes. You might find it easy to sleep in a fetal position. When this happens, you may find that you have gained the ability to call the darkness out of you and spread it around yourself, creating a pool of mystery and quiet power.

Note: This can also be done on the night of the new moon. It’s a good way to tune into the energy and magick of the dark moon.

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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