Four Directions

Magick circles are often used for more complex work because they protect you from a wide variety of unwanted energies, which can get in the way of your spell.

Magick circles are best done outside, because you are then drawing directly on the electromagnetic forces of the landscape. You can first practice this at home, but it puts you directly in touch with the magick in nature if you can do it outside. Choose a quiet place, perhaps your garden, in the countryside, in a par, or even on a beach.

Take a compass if you aren’t very good at working out which direction you are facing!

Facing east, stand upright, extend your right hand, and point your index finger to the ground. As you slowly pivot around, draw an imaginary circle around you on the ground in a clockwise direction until you arrive at the east again. As you draw the imaginary circle, repeat the following:

“I draw this magick circle for protection and to show I am at one with the heavens and the spirits of the four directions.”

Next, you have to call in the spirits.

With your right hand outstretched again, point your finger to the east and call in the spirit of the east. Say:

“I call you, spirit of the East, to help me be touched with inspiration and innovative ideas.”

Repeat this charm in each of the other three directions, doing so in a clockwise direction, and calling on the individual attributes of each direction.

  • East – Inspiration/Innovation
  • South – Passion/Growth
  • West – Introspection/Inner Work
  • North – Protection/Permanence

Note: You can use whatever words you choose to call in the directional energies, just be sure to do them in order in a clockwise direction.

Now that you have called in the spirits, stand quietly for a moment in the center of your magick circle and quietly prepare yourself for the next stage of whatever spell you are working with.

When the spell is complete, open the circle by thanking each one of the directional energies, Often, this is done in a counter-clockwise manner beginning with the North and then working around to end in the East.

Declare the circle to be open. A nice way to close a circle is with the following chant:

The circle is open
But unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess
Be ever in your heart.
Merry meet and merry part.
And Merry meet again.

~Spells For A Magical Year

These are especially good measures to take when moving into a new place, beginning ritual activities in a new space, or to release bad feelings and negativity when an inhabitant has been sick or has died.

To cleanse a single room:

  • On top of a newspaper, set a blue candle.
  • Surround with a circle of salt.
  • Burn a little sage in the room.
  • Light the candle, making sure it won’t tip over.
  • Close the door and let the candle burn down.
  • When finished, take newspaper, salt, and candle
  • Leave the room and bury far from your home.

To cleanse a house:

  • Sprinkle a little salt at each doorway and window.
  • Burn sage in each room, paying special attention to windows and doors.

Cleansing with herbs:

Strew fragrant herbs (rosemary, basil, lavender, others you especially like). Sweep them up with the salt. Cast the swept herbs out your front door. Sweep them off your porch so they won’t get tracked back in.

Candles in the corners:

Select four corners. Set four candles – one in each corner, allow them to burn down.

  • North – black
  • East – white
  • South – purple or dark red
  • West – blue

One of the most basic and useful ceremonial rituals of magick is called the banishing ritual, or lesser ritual of the pentagram. A pentagram (or pentacle) is a five-pointed star with the point up.

The banishing ritual is helpful in psychic protection and healing since it forms a protective barrier against malevolent forces. The psychic barrier it creates can be made to permit entry of desired (constructive) forces and the exclusion of negative ones. Thus, the banishing ritual is an essential first step in almost any formal full magick ceremony.

The ritual requires that you use a magical implement or “weapon”, such as a ceremonial knife, wand, or simply point your index finger, to “draw” the pentagram in the air at each of the cardinal points (four directions). Also, you will be chanting (‘vibrating’) some Hebrew names of God.

Holding your magical weapon and facing east, extend your arm out straight in front of you. In this ritual you will use the full sweep of your arm to draw the pentagram in the air. Follow the description below by beginning at the lower left and sweeping your magical weapon up toward the right, etc. as shown. Do not bend your arm at the wrist or elbow. While you do this, visualize the lines and eventually the star as vibrant white, floating in the space before you. You are projecting energy to do this, and the result will be a gleaming 5-pointed star floating in the east; visualize this as vividly as you can.

Now energize it further by piercing the center of it with your magical weapon and vibrating (speaking slowly in a slightly lower than normal pitch, remember) “Yod-He-Vau-He”.

Then turn slowly to the next cardinal point in sequence, and as you do so, with your arm still extended in front of you, visualize a white line connecting around to the cardinal point. Trace a similar pentagram with the appropriate words and following the same procedure:

  • South — Adonai Tzaboath
  • West — Eh-Ei-He
  • North — Agla.

Now complete the white line drawn back to the center of the eastern pentagram. Note that the cardinal points must be followed in a clockwise order, and the pentagram must be drawn in the manner illustrated; to do otherwise would change the function of the ritual. The result of all this should be a large bright white pentagram visualized hanging in mid-air at each of the four directions, all tied together by a bright white line. You could now, for example, visualize the pentagrams moving out to the circumference of your home, thereby protecting all within.

There is also a somewhat simplified version of this ritual in which the pentagram is traced only once overhead and then is energized with one of the four names, such as “Eh-Ei-He”. Oftentimes the simplified version is sufficient, but naturally the effect of the full version is more complete.

One of the primary uses of this ritual is to ward off psychic attack — that is, when another is (consciously or unconsciously) attempting to harm you, cause sickness, accidents, bad dreams, emotional upset, or to force you to do something against your will. Fortunately this doesn’t happen very often. The world of the magician is fairly safe for the pure of heart. Psychic attack usually depends upon vulnerabilities. If you are not vulnerable you are safe. Thus unification with the true will is the greatest protection possible. And the use of the banishing ritual is never hurtful. You can even use it to hold off negative aspects of yourself.

Author: Phil Hansford

This spell is best performed outside in nature, in a secluded private place free from interruption. It can also be done indoors if an outdoor area is not possible. You will need your ritual items and/or items to represent the four elements, a crystal, and also some food and wine.

Cleanse your self and space before you begin the ritual. This could include a ritual bath, smudging, or any other method of cleansing that is comfortable for you.

Stand facing east and say:

”I call to the forces of air to watch over my rite and to offer assistance and protection and to protect me from harm.
Hail and welcome”

Bow your head and turn to face the south, say again:

”I call to the forces of fire to watch over my rite and to offer assistance and protection and to protect me from harm.
Hail and welcome”

Again bow your head and turn to the west repeating:

”I call to the forces of water to watch over my rite and to offer assistance and protection and to protect me from harm.
Hail and welcome”

After bow in reverence to the element turn north and say:

”I call to the forces of earth to watch over my rite and to offer assistance and protection and to protect me from harm.
Hail and welcome.”

If you use ritual tools, place them in their cardinal points. The wand in the east quarter, the dagger in the south, the cup to the west and the pentacle to the north.

Note: If you do not use ritual tools, use representations of the four elements. These can be actual elements, such as a bowl of water to represent water, a potted plant to represent earth, etc – or something else that is meaningful to you.

Above the wand (element of earth) trace the invoking pentagram of earth and say:

”I invoke the power of earth,
I invoke the power of Gaia.”

See the pentagram of earth being burned into the air glowing with a pure brilliant white. Feel the power in you rise, when you can feel the pentagram there move on to the dagger and repeat. Also repeat this with the cup and the pentacle – or with each of the elemental objects you have placed in the four directions.

Go to the center and see the pentagrams flaming and glowing about you. Stretch you arms above your head and look to the heavens and in a strong, clear voice with passion say:

”I invoke the power of my eternal spirit.
Invoke the power of Gaia”

At this point visualize white beams of light coming from the pentagrams surrounding you and meeting at the crown of your head. Feel the power root you to the earth let it flow throughout your whole being.

After this face the direction of earth, the north, and say again with feeling and heart:

”I come here today to celebrate and invoke the power of Gaia as she is reborn into the maiden. With her she brings new life, love and change. The wheel of the year turns yet again. I invoke you Gaia.”

Turn to the east and pick up your wand. Hold it in front of you and say:

”I invoke the airy nature of earth free flowing but still solid and strong.
I invoke you Gaia”

Again feel your power rise. Place the wand down and turn to the south. Hold your dagger high and say:

”I invoke the fiery nature of earth volatile and destructive.
I invoke you Gaia.”

Place the dagger down and turn west. Hold aloft the cup and say:

”I invoke the watery nature of earth, subtle, in movement and of power.
I invoke you Gaia”

Place the cup down and turn to the north. Pick up your pentacle and say:

”I invoke the true nature of earth, solid, dense, grounding, powerful.
I invoke you Gaia”

Stay facing north go back to the center and stand beneath the point where the pentacles have met up. Look upwards and say:

”I invoke the earth aspect of of my spirit.
I invoke you Gaia”

Pick up the crystal and hold it in front of you and say:

”This crystal is part of me, it comes from the earth.
I invoke you Gaia”

Now for the last invocation. The energies around you will be chaotic and rushing all aspects of earth represented feel them and then stabilize them and when you feel that this has been done say in a strong, loud and clear voice:

”Gaia your child speaks to thee. I ask for your help, guidance, power, and protection.You are nature. You are Divine. I celebrate you in all your forms. Gaia I invoke you come into me. This is my will and my power so mote it be.”

Repeat the invocation until you feel an immense force come from beneath you and enter into your being. A feeling of change and manifestation will take over you. DO NOT FIGHT IT. Also Gaia will give you a word of power which you can use in rites and spells. Once this word is spoken the invocation is over and you shall return to your normal state. Approach the food and wine and say:

”Now to eat and drink in celebration of the Mighty Mother.”

Once you have finished. Thank the elements and Gaia and close the circle as you usually would or in whatever way feels right. With the power given to you from Gaia, you may wish to charge some a crystal, amulet or talisman in honor of her.

Found at Spells Of Magic


The Kalevala is a treasure trove of ancient shamanistic practices including the following healing spell.

For this ritual, stand in the east and call in the element of air. Ask in all humility for assistance. Light a blue candle and a stick of sandalwood incense as an offering to the element. Now say:

Vanish into the sky!
Pain, fly up into the air.
Burning vapor,
Rise up into the air!
So that the wind may take thee away.
So that the storm may chase thee to far places.
Where neither Sun nor Moon gives light.
Where no hot wind burns the flesh.

Thank the element of air, and let the candle burn down. As with all magic, in addition to this spell, it is essential that you have done everything possible in the physical realm to aid the healing

Source: The Gay Mage


This is a spell to assist if someone is bothering you or if you have a strong, unfulfilled desire. To begin, make sure there is a slight breeze blowing. Light a yellow jar candle and take a few minutes to meditate on your desire or problem.

Open the window and whisper your problem or desire, asking the angel of the east to hear and respond. Let the wind carry your words to the east. It is particularly auspicious if an East Wind happens to be blowing. Burn the candle down whenever you are home until it is burned out.

An answer should come to you within one Moon cycle.


Many spells and rituals can be prefaced with an invocation to the winds. This is particularly true if you are often working with the winds.

The idea of invoking or calling the winds is an ancient one, dating back to at least classical Greece and certainly earlier. It is not only a summons of their power (all four winds to help your spell) but is also a general announcement to them of your intentions. This is made, in effect, to the entire world.

Summoning the powers of the winds and asking for their help is a great way to begin any spell. Here’s the technique:

Once you have assembled everything you need for the spell in the place you are performing it (preferably outside), turn to each direction in turn, and say something like the following:

Winds of the North!
Rushing and Mighty!
Aid me in my magical work!

Winds of the East!
Dazzling and Bright!
Aid me in my magical work!

Winds of the South!
Fiery and radiant!
Aid me in my magical work!

Winds of the west!
Gentle and buoyant!
Aid me in my magical work!

As you call the wind from each of the four quarters, stand for a moment. Feel that wind (if only in your imagination) blowing from that direction, roused by your magical call, gathering in speed as it rushes toward you with awesome force. Now proceed with the spell, secure that the ancient powers of the four winds are aiding your magic.

Working with one wind:

If you are performing a spell suited to one wind, just before you begin turn to the appropriate direction and say the words associated with it above.

From: Earth Power


There are many spells designed to carry a secret wish into the universe when the productive powers of creation can bring its realization into being. Nearly all spells make use of the tremendously powerful process of creative visualization.

The following spell courts the favor of the 4 winds or the energies of the compass points. For this spell you will need to ascertain North then find South, East and West.

The 4 winds were given magical names by the ancient Greeks – Boreas, Eureus, Notus and Zephyrus – it is these forces together with those of the elemental spirits of air, water, fire and earth, that are called upon in the spell to carry your wish to the four points of the universe. (Read more about them here: Anemoi)

The spell is designed to be performed outside and you will require any one of the following powdered herbs:

  • Bay, also known as bay laurel (for success and prestige wishes)
  • Rosemary (for promotion and advancement wishes)
  • Cinnamon (for power wishes)
  • Vervain (verbena) (for general wishes)
  • Cardamon (for love wishes)
  • Peppermint (for prosperity wishes)

Having chosen the appropriate herb hold it in your hands and visualize the achievement of your goal in fine detail. Hold the herb to your mouth and breathe upon it trying to force the wish through your breath into the very structure of the herb.

When you are satisfied, turn to the North and say:

King Boreas of the North Wind, 
by the powers of earth, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Northern quarter,
and by the powers of the gnomes, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb from your palm in the direction of North. Now, turn to the East and say:

King Eureus of the East Wind, 
by the powers of air, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Eastern quarter, 
and by the powers of the sylphs, 
I ask that you bring me success. 

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb from your palm in the direction of the East. Then, turn to the South and say:

King Notus of the South Wind, 
by the powers of fire, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Southern quarter,
and by the powers of the salamanders, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb in the direction of South. Now, turn to the West and say:

King Zephyrus of the West Wind, 
by the powers of water, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Western quarter, 
and by the powers of the undines, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow the final quarter of herb from your palm in the direction of  West. The spell is ended. Leave the area without looking back, safe in the knowledge that the powers of the universe have taken over your wish.

Found at: Khakani’s Mystic World

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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