
GnomeAccording to the 16th century Swiss alchemist Paracelsus, the gnome is able to move through earth in the same manner that a fish swims through water or a human walks through air. Gnomes are associated with the fey, or fairy-folk, and are equated with earthly treasures, earth consciousness, and great knowledge of the magick in rocks, caves, roots, gems, and mountains.

Because gnomes can move through earth like fish swim through water, one can turn to the gnomes to move a block of earth energy within oneself, or a block placed in our path by another.

This spell is particularly good when things have been moving along just fine for you, you’ve been recovering from your debts, sailing ahead and suddenly – thwack! You run into some sort of a block. Before you spend days, weeks, or months worrying, try this spell.


  • 1 cup dirt
  • A sieve
  • A handful (up to 1/2 oz) of ginger or dragon’s blood herb


Over a paper towel or bowl, pour the cup of dirt into the sieve. Add the ginger (or dragon’s blood)


Element of earth,
move the mountain of ___________ (state what is stuck)

As the ginger (or dragon’s blood) mixes with the earth,
so shall the blocks in my life
be broken gently apart and removed,
so that I may prosper.

As the dirt shakes out of the sieve, visualize the financial problems in your life breaking up and dissolving. Once all the dirt is through the sieve, turn the sieve over and tap it seven times to remove any excess dirt.

Carry the dirt to a crossroads at midnight and dump it there, once again asking the element of earth to gently disperse the negativity in your life with harm to none.

Wash the sieve, asking the element of water to gently cleanse your situation.


There are many spells designed to carry a secret wish into the universe when the productive powers of creation can bring its realization into being. Nearly all spells make use of the tremendously powerful process of creative visualization.

The following spell courts the favor of the 4 winds or the energies of the compass points. For this spell you will need to ascertain North then find South, East and West.

The 4 winds were given magical names by the ancient Greeks – Boreas, Eureus, Notus and Zephyrus – it is these forces together with those of the elemental spirits of air, water, fire and earth, that are called upon in the spell to carry your wish to the four points of the universe. (Read more about them here: Anemoi)

The spell is designed to be performed outside and you will require any one of the following powdered herbs:

  • Bay, also known as bay laurel (for success and prestige wishes)
  • Rosemary (for promotion and advancement wishes)
  • Cinnamon (for power wishes)
  • Vervain (verbena) (for general wishes)
  • Cardamon (for love wishes)
  • Peppermint (for prosperity wishes)

Having chosen the appropriate herb hold it in your hands and visualize the achievement of your goal in fine detail. Hold the herb to your mouth and breathe upon it trying to force the wish through your breath into the very structure of the herb.

When you are satisfied, turn to the North and say:

King Boreas of the North Wind, 
by the powers of earth, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Northern quarter,
and by the powers of the gnomes, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb from your palm in the direction of North. Now, turn to the East and say:

King Eureus of the East Wind, 
by the powers of air, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Eastern quarter, 
and by the powers of the sylphs, 
I ask that you bring me success. 

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb from your palm in the direction of the East. Then, turn to the South and say:

King Notus of the South Wind, 
by the powers of fire, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Southern quarter,
and by the powers of the salamanders, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow a quarter of the powdered herb in the direction of South. Now, turn to the West and say:

King Zephyrus of the West Wind, 
by the powers of water, 
I call you to carry my wish to the Western quarter, 
and by the powers of the undines, 
I ask that you bring me success.

Blow the final quarter of herb from your palm in the direction of  West. The spell is ended. Leave the area without looking back, safe in the knowledge that the powers of the universe have taken over your wish.

Found at: Khakani’s Mystic World


Undines are female derivatives of water spirits. Like the other elements, the undines contribute to the universal life force through purification, movement and sound.

This spell uses the properties of water turned to ice. Pour spring water into a small, new paper or plastic cup. Freeze.

When you are ready to perform the spell, take the cup out of the freezer. Place upside-down in a bowl. Hold your hands over the ice and name what has frozen in your financial affairs. Blow on the ice three times. And chant:

Breath of spirit,
Warmth of love.

Allow the ice to thaw, visualizing the financial difficulty flowing away from you. When it is thawed, pour the water on a house plant – our outside around a tree or shrub. As you pour the water out, think about how the energy of spirit and the warmth of love can now freely flow through you to nourish and heal those around you.

From: Silver’s Spells for Prosperity by Silver Ravenwolf

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