
This simple spell is best performed at the beginning of the New Year or just after Yule, the first day of Spring, on your birthday, or any other date that represents a new beginning for you.

Gather together a long tinsel garland and some small candles. Using the garland, create a large spiral on the floor and surround it with the candles.

Walk the spiral as you would a labyrinth. Pause at the entrance to visualize what you wish for the New Year. Begin your walk at a pace that feels right, repeating the incantation:

“With each step I take,
with each breath I create,
let my spirit awake
for this wish I make.”

Once you reach the center, verbalize your wish. Retrace your steps out of the spiral, repeating the incantation again.


  • Your spiral can be made from any materials you wish to use, such as flowers, shells, stones, leaves… etc.
  • If this is included in a group ritual, create a grouping of three spirals like those found at Newgrange in Ireland.


Magick encompasses many things – science and art, philosophy and metaphysics, psychology and comparative religion. Magick is an adventure at the borderlands of the unknown. It can fit the pieces of the puzzle of life into a meaningful whole.

  • Magick is fun and interesting.

Use magick to help raise consciousness without drugs. Gain new experiences. Fantasy can come alive through magick. Psychic phenomena can be controlled and be fun and helpful.

  • Magick is beneficial.

It can help you to have excellent health, and bring you good luck. With magick, life runs smoothly; life is good. Magick can also be used for personality improvement, to control bad habits and to develop new motivations.

  • Magick is powerful.

Never underestimate the tremendous power of magick. Use magick to alter events and to achieve your goals. Exert an influence over people and phenomena. But remember, power for its own sake is self defeating. The power which magick can give you should not be your primary reason for studying it.

Author: Phil Hansford


The Festival of Janus, or The Agonalia, was held in Ancient Rome on or around January 9th. Here is a ritual to celebrate the God of doorways, openings, and beginnings.

  • Color: Dark Blue and Black
  • Element: Air
  • Altar: Upon cloth of dark blue and black place a ruler, and on one side things of the past, and on the other side things for the future, including a goblet of wine.
  • Offerings: Measure something accurately. Any work requiring measuring is honored today.
  • Daily Meal: Any old-fashioned recipe.

Invocation to Janus

Hail, Lord Who Looks Both Ways!
Hail, face of the past
Turned towards memory!
You see all that has been,
Not only our beginnings,
But our past deeds
Which have brought us to this day.
May we learn to take responsibility for them.
Hail, face of the future
Turned towards possibility!
You see all that might be,
A multitude of choices,
Yet that multitude is pruned
Back to a likely few
By the deeds of the past.
Hail, Lord who stands at the boundary
Of then and now, of there and here.
We stand also at that boundary.
Teach us to see how the past
Shapes the future in its hands,
That we may not be blind to our own divinity.


Measure the line
With memory
Stand on the line
Of possibility

(Pour out the libation of wine and exit. Work today should concentrate on making or mending things. See especially to fences and gates. Planning for future events is also acceptable.)

Found at: Pagan Book of Hours

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Being A Witch

We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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