
The arrow was sacred to Artemis (Diana), and was considered to carry special powers and blessings. This is a very old spell, which incorporates symbols which are placed along the shaft of an arrow. Traditionally this was performed on the shore of a lake, or other calm body of water (such as a Bay). It was necessary to be able to see the “path of the Moon” in the water. This “path” is the reflection of the moon, stretched along the surface of the water.


For this spell you will need a bow and arrow. Take a new arrow and draw symbols of your wish/desire along its shaft. Meaningful words or phrases may also be added. On a night when the Moon is full, go to the shore, and face the water. Fix the arrow into your bow and gaze out upon the path of light (which leads to the Moon). Draw your arrow back, and speak the following words of enchantment:

“Where path of Light,
to Moon I see,
the powers of the Queen shall be!
Shaft of wood,
as shaft of light,
earth to moon,
does now give flight!”

Release the arrow. The arrow can either be shot out into the path on the water, or upward towards the Moon.

Source: White Magic

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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