

This is a great spell for helping you diminish any debts you may have incurred, including those standard monthly debts otherwise known as bills.

The word abracadabra is extremely ancient and can be a powerful invocation to rid oneself of sickness and poverty. In this spell, we are going to use it to diminish bills and debt.

As soon as any bill comes in, write the following on the envelope:


Now turn the bill over and write the full amount that you owe in that same diminishing way. For example:


Put your bill into a large manila envelope until you are ready to pay it. The envelope can be decorated with symbols, images, and/or affirmations that represent “diminishing”. For example: a picture of the waning moon, the words “I release and I let go”, the abracadabra, or whatever feels appropriate.

At the end of the month, or whenever a particular bill is paid. Roll the envelope up that it came in, sprinkle it with vinegar and burn it.

Source: Unknown

121Combined with the Law of Names is the Law of Words of Power. This law is greatly used today, some think its usage is over exaggerated. Words or terms like teacher, professor, doctor, technician, priest, the Pope hold some people in awe.

For example, many, especially Catholics, are just as overwhelmed by the Pope as ancient people were of the village witch doctor or sorcerer. They believe him to be holy and possess a higher power which illustrates the Pope or witch doctor only possess the power which people give them. If their authority was not recognized by the people their power would be worthless.

In the above example the Pope who is widely recognized is given respect. But, the reverse can also be true, strange and mysterious words can effect people differently. The word “abracadabra” can have a great effect on some people, especially those uneducated or who believe in magic, particularly when it is spoken by someone they respect. The word “abracadabra” has no meaning by itself; however, its significance comes from its mysteriousness to the listeners and the authority of the one saying it. It the listeners have little or no regard for either the word or the speaker then “abracadabra” loses all effect on the audience.

The power of the sound of words is demonstrated in chanting which was used by ancient peoples as it is by Neo-pagans. Chanting is the repetition of words and sounds which usually are meaningful to the ones chanting them. It is employed in religious, ceremonial and magical rites. Chanting, often combined with dancing, drumming, rattling and hand-clapping is generally performed to alter the consciousness and raise power.

Found at: The Mystica

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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