guidanceThis nice little ritual helps you to set your magickal intentions for the year. It can be done on your birthday or an anniversary or holiday that is important to you, it can be done on New Years Eve or New Years Day. And of course, a ritual such as this can be done at any time – just remember that it is a commitment, and prepare to follow through.

Here’s how it works:

Get a new white candle, matches, a pieces of paper, a black pen, and some black thread. If you like incense or have any other objects that are special to you, like a crystal, stone bowl, or anything else, you can get them out, but they are not necessary.

Find a quiet spot to work, where others will not disturb you.

On a small piece of paper, write out your intentions for this work. Do you seek to be a witch, learn witchcraft, or just know more? If you are comfortable calling on the Goddess and God, do so. If not, you can address it to whatever divine force you are comfortable using, such as God, Great Spirit, the Tao, or the Universe. Here is an example:

“I,(state your name), ask in the name of the Goddess and God for aid in my studies of witchcraft. I intend to complete this work successfully within one year and become a witch if this is correct and for my highest good. I ask to be open to all experiences and understand all lessons given to me. So mote it be.” (“so mote it be” means “it is so”. It is a common affirmation in witchcraft.)

Hold the white candle. Think about spirituality. Think about divinity and the Goddess and God. Invite them into your life, or reaffirm your bond with them. If you have incense, light it now.

Spend a few moments reflecting on the definition, history, and qualities of the witch. Think about where witchcraft has been, and where you hope to go with it.

Read your intention slip out loud . Then roll it up like a scroll and tie it with the black thread, binding it together and sealing your intention.

Keep the paper someplace special, where you will not lose it. You will use this slip as part of your initiation ritual in a year. In a later chapter, you will build a meditation altar. You can then keep the candle and intention slip on the altar.

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Being A Witch

We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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