
The primary purpose of ice magic is transformation. Ice is a combination of water and air. Once frozen, if fire is added, the ice melts.

Floating candles in a bowl of water and ice may seem like a simple type of spell, but it calls for a natural balance to take place. Moreover, writing your problems on paper and freezing them may also seem like a simple spell, but it is highly effective.

One of my favorite magical uses for ice is the “stop something in its tracks” type. In other words, after an argument, I am not above writing my aggravation down on paper and freezing the paper until such a time as I can comfortably deal with the problem. Once I’m ready, I simply thaw out the paper and deal with it. You can perform this type of magic for any sort of negative trait within yourself that you wish to be rid of.

Likewise, you can also manifest with snow and/or ice. Place magnets or symbols into a large ball of snow, or freeze them into a block of ice. Then allow the snow to melt as it removes any obstacles between you and your goal and releases the energy to bring you your wish.

Source: Tammy Sullivan

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