Flora is the Roman spirit of flowering plants and, by extension, of fertility and the life-force. Her festival, the Floralia, once began April 27th and continued for six days of revelry, especially by women of all ages celebrating their own bodies and natural beauty. The festival was celebrated in the nude until the third century CE, when Roman authorities ordered that revelers be clothed. The festival held out in that form for one more century until all pagan festivals were banned. Vestiges survive in May Day celebrations.

Just as every blossom is unique, so is every body. Flora encourages one to cherish one’s own beauty without comparison to any other. This spell is particularly potent if timed to coincide with Flora’s old festival but may be cast at anytime.

Fill your bathtub with as many fresh flowers as possible, especially Flora’s favorite, beautiful, transient bean blossoms. Enter the bath and understand that you too are among Flora’s unique and perfect blossoms.

Source: Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

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