128145587_9fdcc9014bOn the Eve of Samhain, (the night before Halloween), get a white candle, matches and mirror for this spell. At dusk, go to a haunted area or a place you feel the spirits are especially powerful. Make contact by walking about and allowing your mind to roam. Light your white candle and stare into it saying:

Clear as midnight,
the spirits are bright.
Ghostly curiosity
brings you to me.

As a form takes shape,
I am not asleep.
Spirit awake,
take your shape.

Let the candle flicker. Glance into the mirror and look past your shoulder. Do you see mists or lighted balls in the reflection? This is how ghosts typically appear. Return to the area on the next three nights. Take some pictures. At home, place your mirror face down. Mirrors trap spirits. Some spirits will track you as you search for their reflections. If you want your those to leave, just say so. Follow this up by putting a broom over your transom and burning sage.

~by Susan Sheppard

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

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