Coconut possesses a very special aroma. Not only is it sensuous and evocative…. but it provides long-term spiritual purification. Here is a great idea for a purification ritual using the scent and the energy of the coconut. This spell is most effective if you make the candle yourself.

To make the candle, you will need:

  • Candle wax which can be found at any craft store – white or brown are the preferred colors.
  • A candle wick – which can also be found at the craft store.
  • Something to heat the wax with.
  • A good set of instructions (it might come with the wax) – or watch this video on how to make a candle.
  • Coconut essential oil – be sure that this is a natural product, not a synthetic chemical substitute.
  • A hollowed out half coconut shell – if you cannot get the real thing, you can substitute any suitable container. (Remember, it’ll be holding hot wax and a burning candle.)

Here’s what you’ll do:

Prepare the candle shell before melting the wax. Use any type of container you choose, but a hollowed out half coconut shell is the best.

Melt the wax until it’s liquid. Stir in pure coconut extract. The quantity depends on your desired intensity of fragrance.

Make sure the wick is attached securely to the container by holding it in place until the wax hardens, or by attaching it to a pencil stick laid across the top of the container.

Pour the scented wax into the container. Allow the wax to harden.

NOTE: If you wish, supplement the fragrance with a few drops of ginger, frankincense, or lemon essential oils…this is not required though.

Now that the candle is made and finished, here’s the meditation that goes with it:

Put on some calming music… whatever calms you. It must be peaceful. The room should be dimly lit, and you should sit comfortably in front of your candle.

Light the candle. Close your eyes and visualize the purity from the candle going into your nose, and through your whole body…cleansing your spirit. Visualize being filled with a cleansing white light of pure energy and purity. Then very softly say three times… “My spirit is  cleansed from this moment on…”

Let the candle burn for 15 minutes while you sit, relax, reflect, and breath deep…

Spell by: Rose Ariadne

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