
Take an old Christmas Tree ornament and remove the metal hanger top. Most of these ornaments are mass produced with cheap paint on the outside that soaks off in warm water, overnight( they are usually a silver color underneath) or use a silver colored ball.

Next, rinse out the ball with a salt water solution. Now, get yourself a spool of red thread and some patchouli oil. Cut the thread in 3″ strands.

Carefully insert the strands through the opening of the ball. Continue inserting strands until the ball is nearly full. Put in 3 or 4 drops of the patchouli oil and replace the metal hanger cap. Now hang the ball in your room, preferably as close to the door as possible. As you hang the ball, say:

“Symbol of the Moon,
Symbol of the Lady Divine,
Reject all negativity,
Defend this room,
me and mine.”

Source: Unknown


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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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