Old Old Spells


The ancient Greeks also had a great many aphrodisiacs meant to instill a desire that was more than just temporary. Most of them appear to involve the rubbing of pungent or stinging mixtures onto a man’s penis. Here’s an interesting one:

“Take a crow’s egg, the juice of the crow’s foot plant, the bile of an electric ray from the river, work them together with honey and say the spell whenever you work them and anoint your genitals with them.”

The spoken spell is this:

I say to you, womb of
{… name of woman… }
gape open and receive the seed of
{… your name… }

Say these things as you work the substances, and whenever you anoint your genitals, and so have sex with the woman you want. She will love only you, and no one but you will copulate with her.”

I take no responsibility whatever for the consequences of this spell. Do it at your own risk.

medium-1353492501-2At ten o’clock on a Saturday night, wrap a piece of his clothing around a ham bone. Put in bundle in a plastic bag. Seal the end tightly with red string.

Place in bag in a large plastic container. Pour in 3 cups of salt water. Cover with lid. Let it sit, undisturbed and unnoticed, for seven days.

The next Saturday, at ten in the morning, take the remains and wrap what is left in a newspaper. Bury away from yard and property unnoticed.

Source Unknown


Account of an Experienced Fortune Hunter, How Treasures Beneath the Earth Rise and Fall.

If one is contemplating to dig up a treasure, he should above all other things know, whenever the treasure stands highest to rise with the sun and return again with the sinking of the same. If the treasure happens to be hidden in an open field, the affair will soon be righted by digging around, crosswise, or undermining, so that the treasure can be reached from below, but one must not be tardy in constructing the posts or galleries in order to prop the treasure in time, because the digger might otherwise be buried underneath the falling heap. But, if it can be so conducted that the sun can shine crosswise under the treasure, it may be raised, since the goblins of the earth have no longer the power to remove the same.

Found in:
Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore and The Occult Sciences

With this ancient incantation, the sorcerer takes control of the woman. Her clothes are to turn into an impromptu bower, her bed a covered spot for a tryst, and, if she is asleep when the spell is wrought, her own couch will unceremoniously awaken her to send her off to the embrace of her admirer.

I have seized you, I have seized you, I will not let you go!
As pitch holds fast to boat,
As Sin to Ur, as Shamash to Larsa,
As Ishtar to Ekur hold fast,
I have seized you and I will not let you free!
May the clothes you are wearing be your bower,
May the bed you sleep on be a tent,
May the bed dump you on the ground!
May the ground say to you “Get up!”
At the command of the Capable Lady, Ishtar

From: Myths, Tales, and Poetry of Ancient Mesopotamia


An ancient Mesopotamian incantation for when you need to keep your cool sexually. Especially useful if you are working on a period of celibacy or abstinence.

Arousal is coming upon me like a wild bull,
It keeps springing at me like a dog,
Like a lion it is fierce in the coming.
Like a wolf it is full of fury.
Stay! I pass over you like a threshold,
I walk right through you like a flimsy door,
I span you like a doorway.
I turn back your approach like a hobble,
I drive out the fieriness of your heart.

From: Myths, Tales, and Poetry of Ancient Mesopotamia

Be warned!
This is a very explicit and powerful incantation for love
from ancient Mesopotamia.


Wind come, mountain quake
Clouds gather, droplets fall!
Let the penis of the ass become stiff,
let him mount the jenny,
let him mount the she-goat …
time after time!
At the head of my bed a he-goat is tied,
At the foot of my bed a ram is tied.
You at the head of my bed, have an erection, make love to me!
You at the foot of my bed, have an erection, caress me!
My vagina is a bitch´s vagina, his penis is a dog´s penis,
As the bitch´s vagina holds tight the dog´s penis,
So may my vagina holds tight his penis!
May your penis grow long as a warclub!
I´m sitting on a web of seduction,
May I not miss my prey!

Myths, Tales, and Poetry of Ancient Mesopotamia

The purpose of this ancient Mesopotamion love charm is to enable a man to win a woman´s favor by a magical procedure. If you can decipher the directions (hidden in the incantation) – it might actually work.

26. Karkabi, Irina Vitalievna - Lovers (2)

Ea loves the love charm,
The love charm, son of Ishtar,
Seated on her thighs, in the sapflow of the incense-tree
… you two beautiful maidens
You are come into bloom, you went down to the garden,
To the garden you went down
You cut the sapflow of the incense-tree.
I have seized your mouth for saliva!
I have seized your lustrous eyes!
I have seized your vulva for urine!
I climbed into the garden of the moon,
I cut through the poplar to her
Seek for me among the boxwood,
As the shepherd seeks for the sheep,
The goat her kid,
The ewe her lamb,
The jenny her foal
“His arms are two garlands of fruit
His lips are oil and … plant
A cruse of oil is his hand
A cruse of cedar oil on his shoulder”
So the love charms have bespoken her,
Then driven her to ecstasy!
I have seized your mouth for love-making!
By Ishtar and Isharra I conjure you!
May you find no release from me
Till your neck and his neck lie close beside!

From: Myths, Tales, and Poetry of Ancient Mesopotamia


This ancient Mesopotamian incantation is a spell on behalf of an Entu Priestess who is in love with a man called Erra-bani. The incantation appears to be form of call and response, and is for invoking a strong sexual attraction.

The woman says:

Be restless at night,
find no peace during the day,

The man responds:

Do not sit peacefully at night.
Darling! Darling!

The woman says:

May your thighs be moving,
May your hips be in motion,

The man responds:

May your sinews be following
May your heart rejoice

The woman says:

May your liver be joyful!

The Man responds:

Let me swell up like a dog

This incantation could be used in spell work using candles to represent the couple involved, and I think it could work really well. The incantation could be written directly on the respective candles. The “couple” should then be bound together and then ignited in a fire of passion. The candles could be “dressed” with essential oils for love and passion, for example: Jasmine, Sandalwood, and/or Rose.

From: Myths, Tales, and Poetry of Ancient Mesopotamia


This sexy incantation comes from Ancient Mesopotamia.

Potency, potency, potency! I have made a bed for potency!
What Ishtar does for Dumuzi,
What Nannay does for her lover,
What Ishara does for her mate,
Let me do for my lover!
Let the flesh of (insert name), son of (insert name), tingle,
Let his penis stand erect,
May his ardor be not flat, night or day!
By command of the Capable Lady, Ishtar, Nannay, Gazbaba, Ishara.

From: Myths, Tales, and Poetry of Ancient Mesopotamia

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