Long term relationships are like a garden. They need to be sowed, fertilized, weeded, and watered to grow beautifully. Even if you’re doing all of those things, storms can come along and jostle things up. That’s part of what makes a long term relationship both difficult and rewarding.

Here’s a bit of old time gardening magick that can work wonders when it comes to nurturing a relationship.

To begin, you need three seeds from a flowering plant that speaks to you of love. (If you need ideas, you can take a look at The Language of Flowers – a definitive list of flowers and their meanings.) You’ll also need a red-colored planter, good potting soil, and an amethyst crystal (for nurturing love).

Name the seeds after yourself, your partner, and your overall relationship (the sacred We). Every day as you tend the seeds, speak gentle, encouraging words into the soil. Talk about your wishes for your relationship, and let those wishes grow to maturity in rich soil. Meanwhile, begin sharing those wishes and hopes with your partner, and finding ways to work on them together.

By the time the seeds fully blossom, you should notice an improvement in the level of emotion present in your relationship.

From: Magick for the Wild Woman

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