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The first three days of March are said to be "blind days" because they are "unlucky." If rain falls on these days, farmers will have poor harvests.
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Pagan Calendar - March Lore

Britons call March a "loud and strong" month because of its blustery nature. Before the calendar changed to the present system, the new year took place during March, likely due to the official beginning of spring, which is ushered in by March's winds.

In terms of magical energy, think growth and prosperity! Everything that dwells on the planet is growing, prospering, exploring, showing signs of life and fruitfulness. Let the Goddess inspire your spirit similarly. Other characteristics for March include cultivating the spirit of adventure and fertility, and focusing on personal maturity in any area of your life. It is a time for new beginnings; balance of Light and Dark. Breaking illusions. Seeing the truth in your life however much it may hurt.
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March Moon Names

(Coming Soon)

Amaolikkervik Moon
Big Famine Moon ~Choctaw
Bud Moon
Budding Trees Moon
~Medicine Wheel
Buffalo Calf Moon ~Arapaho, Sioux
Catching Fish Moon ~Agonquin
Chaste Moon ~Medieval English
Crow Moon ~Algonquin
Crane Moon ~Potawatomi
Crust Moon ~Algonquin
Deer Moon ~Natchez
Death Moon
Eagle Moon
Fish Moon
~Colonial American
Green Moon
Lenten Moon ~Cherokee
Little Frog Moon ~Omaha
Little Spring Moon ~Creek, Muscokee
Lizard Moon
~San Juan
Long Days Moon ~Wishram
Moon of Winds ~Celtic
Moose Hunter Moon ~Abenali
Much Lateness Moon
Rain Moon ~Diegueno
Plow Moon
~Janic (full)
Sap Moon ~Algonquin
Seed Moon
~Janic (dark)
Snow Crust Moon ~Anishnaabe
Snow Sore Eyes Moon
Spring Moon ~Passamaquoddy
Strawberry ~Cherokee
Sugar Moon ~Algonquin
Whispering Wind Moon
Wind Strong Moon ~Taos
Windy Moon ~Cherokee
Worm Moon ~Algonquin

March Celebrations:

This month was sacred to the Roman god Mars, hence the name March. Mars is similar to the Greek Ares, Tiu or Twaz of Central and Northern Europe, Teutates of the Celts, and Tyr of the Norse. The Roman goddess Bellona, goddess of war, had her special day during this month.

March is generally a blustery month weather-wise. The old weather saying "In like a lion, out like a lamb" is an apt description of March weather. For the Romans, it was the beginning of their year. The Spring Equinox, which falls around March 21 or 22, was a sacred and celebrated time in a great many world cultures. In the Southern Hemisphere, this would be equal to the Autumn Equinox, as the seasons are reversed. The Incas celebrated Pacha-puchy, or Earth Ripening, at this time.

The Roman Matronalia honored Juno Lucina, an aspect of the goddess Juno, who protected women, children and the family. Statues of the goddess were decorated with flowers, and special temple fires were lit. Girls made offerings to Juno Lucina at this time of year for happy and prosperous marriages.

The statue of Isis suckling her child symbolizes this goddess's aspect as the Great Mother, the caretaker of the Earth and all life. Flowers were floated on the rivers and the boats blessed with incense.

In Canaan and other Semitic countries, the goddess Astarte was honored in a Spring celebration. Red eggs were given as gifts to family and friends, the beginning of our Easter egg tradition. Her sacred city of Byblos was noted for its extensive libraries before they were destroyed. As queen of heaven, Astarte wore crescent horns and was said to tirelessly create and destroy. The kings of Sidon ruled only with the goddess's permission and called themselves the Priest of Astarte. Other cultures in the Middle East knew Astarte as Asherat of the Sea and Astart, queen of heaven.

Athene/Minerva,the armed goddess of wisdom,reigned over the biggest social event in Greece - the five day Spring competition featuring events in athletics, music, poetry and satire. Crowns of olive branches and flasks of olive oil were given to the winners of each event. On the final day, Athene's birth was celebrated by draping the goddess's statue in a new sacred garment.

This particular festival of Cybele, the Hilaria, was a happy time. Our word "hilarious" has similar word roots. The goddess Cybele can be compared to Demeter in many ways; Cybele represented the Earth as did Demeter and had a Spring resurrected son/lover Attis, who corresponded to Kore/Persephone. This happy festival celebrated the power of Cybele to overcome death.

Eostre was the German goddess of rebirth. Rabbits and colored eggs were fertility symbols connected with Her. Originally, Oestre was the goddess of the Spring Equinox whose name was changed to Easter by the Christians.

The Roman Luna, goddess of the Moon, was honored with the baking, exchanging, and eating of Moon cakes. Even the Chinese and Europeans knew of Moon cakes and some form of this goddess.

From: Moon Magick
By D J Conway
March Birth Signs
(Celtic, Nordic, Astrological, etc)

(Coming Soon)

Feb 18 - Mar 17
Sign of the Ash Tree

Feb 19 to Mar 20
Sun in Pisces

Feb 20 to Mar 20
Sign of the
Water Lily

Mar 1 to Mar 10
Sign of the
Weeping Willow

Mar 11 to Mar 20
Sign of the
Lime Tree

Mar 18 to Apr 14
Sign of the
Alder Tree

Mar 21
Sign of the
Oak Tree

Mar 21 to Apr 19
Sign of the Honeysuckle

Mar 21 to Apr 19
Sun in Aries
Mar 22 to Mar 31
Sign of the
Hazelnut Tree
Ring of Fire
Dark Shadows
Midnight Moon
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for March:

Nature Spirits:
Air and Water
beings who are
connected with
spring rains and
High John root,
Yellow dock,
Wood betony,
Irish moss
Pale green,
Apple blossom
Sea crow,
Sea eagle
Black Isis,
The Morrigan,
Power Flow:
Energy breaks into
the open
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January Lore
Inanna, come forth from the Underworld,
goddess of the lapis measure.
Rise, like new leaves that unfurl
bringing forth the summer treasure.
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